To create and run a program that demonstrates how to add pages to an OCR document using Ltocr.h. This program will allow page insertion and to save the inserted page:
1. Create a new directory in the \Examples\CDLL directory called OCR_Ltocr.
2. Copy everything in the SimpleLoad directory (copy only folders content) into the OCR_Ltocr directory.
3. Compile the project as it is and run SimpleLoad.exe to familiarize yourself with the basic program.
4. In the Imports.cpp, add the following lines:
#if defined(WIN64)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib\\CDLLVC10\\x64\\Ltocr_x.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib\\CDLLVC10\\Win32\\Ltocr_u.lib")
#endif // #if defined(WIN64)
5. Add the following line in StdAfx.h in the OCR_Ltocr directory:
/* LEADTOOLS main OCR document header file */
#include "..\..\..\include\ltocr.h"
#include "..\..\..\include\ltdlg.h"
6. Define the following global variables in Ezfunc.h in the OCR_Ltocr directory:
#define IDM_INSERT_PAGE 200
L_OcrEngine hEngine; /* OCR Engine handle */
L_OcrPage hPage; /* OCR Page handle */
L_OcrDocumentManager hDocumentManager; /* OCR Document Manager handle */
L_OcrDocument hDocument; /* OCR Document handle */
7. Add the following statements in Ezfunc.cpp in the WinMain function as follows:
L_SetLicenseFile(TEXT("MyLicenseFile"), TEXT("DeveloperKey"));
L_INT nRet = L_OcrEngineManager_CreateEngine(L_OcrEngineType_Advantage, &hEngine);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return 0;
nRet = L_OcrEngine_Startup(hEngine, NULL, NULL);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return 0;
nRet = L_OcrEngine_GetDocumentManager(hEngine, &hDocumentManager);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return 0;
nRet = L_OcrDocumentManager_CreateDocument(hDocumentManager, &hDocument, L_OcrCreateDocumentOptions_AutoDeleteFile, NULL);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return 0;
8. Add the following after the GetMessage() loop before return statement:
9. Edit EZFUNC.RC file in the OCR_Ltocr directory and add the following lines:
#include "EZFUNC.H"
10. In Ezfunc.cpp in InitApplication, change the line:
wcWindowClass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
wcWindowClass.lpszMenuName = TEXT("MAIN_MENU");
11. In Ezfunc.cpp in MainWndProc, change the line:
Demos_CombinePath(szImagesDirectory, L_TEXT("Image1.cmp"), szFilename, _countof(szFilename));
Demos_CombinePath(szImagesDirectory, L_TEXT("ocr1.tif"), szFilename, _countof(szFilename));
12. In Ezfunc.cpp in InitInstance, change the menu parameter (tagged as "Use the window class menu") in CreateWindow from NULL to:
LoadMenu(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE("MAIN_MENU")), /*Main Menu*/
13. In Ezfunc.cpp after WM_PAINT and before WM_DESTROY, add a new switch statement called WM_COMMAND:
/*After code below*/
case WM_PAINT:
/* Get the handle to the device context */
hdc = BeginPaint (hWnd, &ps);
if (LeadBitmap.Flags.Allocated) /* Do we have an image? */
if (hpalPaint) /* If we have a paint palette, select it */
hPalette = SelectPalette (hdc, hpalPaint, TRUE);
/* Uncomment this if you do not process WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE */
/* RealizePalette (hdc); */
/* Paint the image */
L_PaintDC (hdc,
&rLeadSource, /* Source rectangle */
NULL, /* Default source clip area */
&rLeadDest, /* Destination rectangle */
&ps.rcPaint, /* Dest clip set by WM_PAINT */
SRCCOPY); /* Normal Paint */
if (hpalPaint) /* Return old palette */
SelectPalette (hdc, hPalette, TRUE);
EndPaint (hWnd, &ps); /* Return DC */
return (0);
/*After code Above*/
/* Add code below */
// Create the OCR page from the loaded bitmap
nRet = L_OcrPage_FromBitmap(hEngine, &hPage, &LeadBitmap, L_OcrBitmapSharingMode_AutoFree, NULL, NULL);
if (nRet != SUCCESS)
MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("Error creating OCR page"), TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
/* We have an error, so post WM_DESTROY */
PostMessage (hWnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
return (FALSE);
// Add the created OCR page into the file-based OCR document
nRet = L_OcrDocument_AddPage(hDocument, hPage);
if (nRet != SUCCESS)
wsprintf (achBuff, TEXT("Error %d adding page at index 0"), nRet);
MessageBox (NULL, achBuff, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
/* We have an error, so post WM_DESTROY */
PostMessage (hWnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
return (FALSE);
/* Force paint palette creation */
SendMessage (hWnd, WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0L);
wsprintf (achBuff, TEXT("Page Width = %d\nPage Height = %d\nPage Bits Per Pixel = %d\n"),
MessageBox (NULL, achBuff, TEXT("Page Info"), MB_OK);
L_InitBitmap(&ExportBmp, sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE), 0, 0, 1);
nRet = L_OcrPage_GetBitmap(hPage, L_OcrPageBitmapType_Original, &ExportBmp, sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE));
if (nRet != SUCCESS)
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Cannot retrieve page bitmap to save"), TEXT("Error!"), MB_OK);
return 0;
L_TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0};
lstrcpy(szFileName, TEXT("c:\\test.tif"));
nRet = L_SaveBitmap(szFileName, ExportBmp, FILE_TIF, ExportBmp.BitsPerPixel, 0, NULL);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
wsprintf (achBuff, TEXT("Error %d saving OCR page bitmap to %s"), nRet, szFileName);
MessageBox(NULL, achBuff, TEXT("Error!"), MB_OK);
return 0;
wsprintf (achBuff, TEXT("OCR page bitmap was saved to %s"), szFileName);
MessageBox(NULL, achBuff, TEXT("Error!"), MB_OK);
return 0;
return 0;
/*Add code above*/
14. Delete or comment out the following lines from WM_DESTROY message since L_OcrPage_Destroy call will free the bitmap since the OCR page owns the bitmap handle and you don't own it any more and this is because we passed L_OcrBitmapSharingMode_AutoFree for the sharingMode parameter of the L_OcrPage_FromBitmap function.
/* Free the image, if there is one */
if (LeadBitmap.Flags.Allocated)
L_FreeBitmap (&LeadBitmap);
15. On the Build menu, select Build SimpleLoad.exe.
16. On the Build menu, select Execute SimpleLoad.exe.
NOTE: Before building project, clean solution and project files. In Build, select Clean Solution and Clean SimpleLoad.
17. Save this project to use it for testing other code samples.