
#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LTwain::SetRGBResponse (pRgbResponse, nBitsPerPixel, uFlag)


pointer to the RGB response

L_INT nBitsPerPixel;

bits per pixel

L_UINT uFlag;

optional flags

Sets the RGB elements used when transferring data from the current TWAIN source.

Parameter Description
pRgbResponse Pointer to a TW_RGBRESPONSE structure that references the RGB elements to be set for the TWAIN source. For more information about TW_RGBRESPONSE, and click on TWAIN Specification (Version 1.9).
nBitsPerPixel Bits per pixel to be set. This is used to determine the number of RGB elements in the TW_RGBRESPONSE structure.
uFlag Flags that indicate whether to set or reset the RGB elements for the TWAIN source. Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
  TWAIN_RGB_RESPONSE_SET [0x0001] Set the RGB elements for the current TWAIN source using the information provided.
  TWAIN_RGB_RESPONSE_RESET [0x0002] Reset the RGB elements for the current TWAIN source to the default values. Please note that defaults vary from TWAIN source to TWAIN source.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LTwain::SetTransferOptions, LTwain::GetTransferOptions, LTwain::GetSupportedTransferMode, LTwain::SetResolution, LTwain::GetResolution, LTwain::SetImageFrame, LTwain::GetImageFrame, LTwain::SetImageUnit, LTwain::GetImageUnit, LTwain::SetImageBitsPerPixel, LTwain::GetImageBitsPerPixel, LTwain::SetImageEffects, LTwain::GetImageEffects, LTwain::SetAcquirePageOptions, LTwain::GetAcquirePageOptions, LTwain::ShowProgress, LTwain::EnableDuplex, LTwain::GetDuplexOptions, LTwain::SetMaxXferCount, LTwain::GetMaxXferCount


Getting and Setting Capabilities


TWAIN Functionality: Capability Functions


L_INT LTwain__SetRGBResponseExample(LTwain * plTwain) 
   L_INT             nRet; 
   pTW_RGBRESPONSE   pRgbResponse = NULL; 
   pRgbResponse = (pTW_RGBRESPONSE)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, sizeof(TW_RGBRESPONSE) + sizeof(TW_ELEMENT8) * 2); 
   if (pRgbResponse) 
      pRgbResponse->Response[0].Index     = 0; 
      pRgbResponse->Response[0].Channel1  = 0; 
      pRgbResponse->Response[0].Channel2  = 0; 
      pRgbResponse->Response[0].Channel3  = 0; 
      pRgbResponse->Response[1].Index     = 1; 
      pRgbResponse->Response[1].Channel1  = 255; 
      pRgbResponse->Response[1].Channel2  = 255; 
      pRgbResponse->Response[1].Channel3  = 255; 
      nRet = plTwain->SetRGBResponse(pRgbResponse, 1, TWAIN_RGB_RESPONSE_SET); 
      if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
         return nRet; 
   return SUCCESS; 

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