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HangingProtocol Class


For a list of all members of this type, see HangingProtocol members

Public Properties

Name Description
DisplaySetsSequence Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Display Sets Sequence (Mandatory).
HangingProtocolCreationDateTime Gets or sets the date and time on which the Hanging Protocol was created. (Mandatory).
HangingProtocolCreator Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Creator (Mandatory).
HangingProtocolDefinitionSequence Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Definition Sequence (Mandatory).
HangingProtocolDescription Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Description (Mandatory).
HangingProtocolLevel Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Level (Mandatory).
HangingProtocolName Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Name (Mandatory).
HangingProtocolUserGroupName Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol User Group Name (Optional).
HangingProtocolUserIdentificationCodeSequence Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol User Identification Code Sequence (Mandatory).
ImageSetsSequence Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Image Sets Sequence (Mandatory).
NavigationIndicatorSequence Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Navigation Indicator Sequence (Optional)
NominalScreenDefinitionSequence Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol NominalScreenDefinition (Mandatory).
NumberOfPriorsReferenced Gets or sets the number of prior image sets used in this Hanging Protocol (Mandatory).
NumberOfScreens Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Number of Screens (Optional).
PartialDataDisplayHandling Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Partial Data Display Handling (Mandatory)
SynchronizedScrollingSequence Gets or sets the Hanging Protocol Synchronized Scrolling Sequence (Optional)
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