Specifies flags to be used with the SaveJson methods.
public enum DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags
Public Enum DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags
public enum class DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags
Value | Member | Description |
0x00000000 | None | Pass this value if you do not want to use any other flags. Default values will be used. |
0x00000001 | IgnoreBinaryData | If a DICOM element contains binary data, do not write the binary data to the output JSON file. The element itself is still exported, but has no data. |
0x00000002 | IgnoreAllData | Do not write any data (binary, text, etc.) for the DICOM elements to the output JSON file. All elements are still exported, but have no data. |
0x00000020 | TrimWhiteSpace | When writing data to the output XML file, trim leading and trailing white spaces. |
0x00000100 | IgnorePixelData | Do not write the pixel data elements to the output JSON file. |
0x00000200 | InlineBinary | Encode all binary data as InlineBinary, which is coded as Base64. InlineBinary is one of two flags, shown in the following list, that affect how binary data is written.
0x00000400 | BulkDataUri | Write all binary data as BulkDataUri, using a dummy URI. This is the default behavior. BulkDataUri is one of two flags, shown in the following list, that affect how binary data is written.
0x00002000 | WriteKeyword | Include the 'keyword' member for each JSON object DICOM element. |
For an example, refer to SaveJson.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Extensions Namespace
SaveJson(DicomDataSet,String,DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags,SaveJsonCallback) Method
SaveJson(DicomDataSet,Stream,DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags,SaveJsonCallback) Method
SaveJson(DicomDataSet,String,DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags) Method
SaveJson(DicomDataSet,Stream,DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags) Method
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