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ModalityType Enumeration


Specifies the DICOM modality.


public enum ModalityType   
Public Enum ModalityType  
public enum class ModalityType   


0CR Computed Radiography.
1CT Computed Tomography.
2MR Magnetic Resonance.
3NM Nuclear Medicine.
4US Ultra Sound.
5OT Other.
6BI Biomagnetic Imaging.
7CD Color Flow Doppler-Retired 2008.
8DD Duplex Doppler-Retired 2008.
9DG Diaphanography.
10ES Endoscopy.
11LS Laser Surface Scan.
12PT Positron Emission Tomography.
13RG Radiographic Imaging (conventional film screen).
14ST Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography - Retired 2008.
15TG Thermography.
16XA X-Ray Angiography.
17RF Radio Fluoroscopy.
18RTIMAGE Radiotherapy Image.
19RTDOSE Radiotherapy Dose.
20RTSTRUCT Radiotherapy Structure Set.
21RTPLAN Radiotherapy Plan.
22RTRECORD RT Treatment Record.
23HC Hard Copy.
24DX Digital Radiography.
25MG Mammography.
26IO Intra-oral Radiography.
27PX Panoramic X-Ray.
28GM General Microscopy.
29SM Slide Microscopy.
30XC External Camera (Photography).
31PR Presentation State.
32AU Audio.
33ECG Electrocardiograms.
34EPS Cardiac Electrophysiology.
35HD Hemodynamic Waveform.
36SR Structured Reporting.
37IVUS Intravascular Ultrasound.
38DS Digital Subtraction Angiography Retired
39CF Cinefluorography (retired).
40DF Digital Fluoroscopy (retired).
41VF Videofluorography (retired).
42AS Angioscopy Retired.
43CS Cystoscopy-Retired
44EC Echocardiography Retired.
45LP Laparoscopy Retired.
46FA Fluorescein Angiography Retired.
47CP Colposcopy Retired.
48DM Digital Microscopy.
49FS Fundoscopy Retired.
50MA Magnetic resonance angiography Retired.
51MS Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Retired.

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