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Leadtools.Services.ImageProcessing.DataContracts Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools Services ImageProcessing DataContracts enumerations.

Enumeration Description
BinaryFilterCommandPredefined Represents the predefined binary filter to use.
BorderRemoveBorderFlags Indicates which border to remove.
BorderRemoveCommandFlags Determines the behavior of the border removal process.
ColorResolutionCommandPaletteFlags Palette options, for the ColorResolutionRequest.PaletteFlags property.
DeskewCommandFlags Indicates whether to deskew the image, which background color to use, whether to deskew the image if the skew angle is very small, which type of interpolation to use, whether the image contains mostly text, and whether to use normal or fast rotation.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
DotRemoveCommandFlags Determines the behavior of the dot removal process.
EdgeDetectorCommandType Indicates the type of edge to generate.
HalftoneCommandType Indicates the type of halftoning to perform.
HighQualityRotateCommandFlags Options for the HighQualityRotateRequest class.
HistogramEqualizeType Contains all types needed to indicate which color space is selected.
HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags Determines the behavior of the hole punch removal process.
HolePunchRemoveCommandLocation Indicates the location within the document of the hole punches to remove.
IntensityDetectCommandFlags Indicates the channel to process.This flag has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
InvertedPageCommandFlags Options for the InvertedPageRequest class.
InvertedTextCommandFlags Determines the behavior of the inverted text removal process.
LineRemoveCommandFlags Determines the behavior of the line removal process.
LineRemoveCommandType Indicates which lines to remove.
OperationType Represents the operation to use.
RasterColorChannel Indicates the channel that will be used in image processing methods.
RasterDitheringMethod Indicates the dithering method used for the image.
ResizeCommandFlags Controls the behavior of image resize methods.
ResizeInterpolateCommandType Represents the algorithm type used in resizing the image.
RotateCommandFlags Flags for the RotateRequest.Flags property.
SmoothCommandFlags Determines the behavior of the smoothing process.
SpatialFilterCommandPredefined Represents a predefined spatial filter to use.
UnsharpMaskCommandColorType Indicates the color space in which to apply the mask.
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Leadtools.Services.ImageProcessing.DataContracts Assembly
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