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ResizeInterpolateCommandType Enumeration


Represents the algorithm type used in resizing the image.


[DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.ImageProcessing.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="ResizeInterpolateCommandType")] 
public enum ResizeInterpolateCommandType : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable   
<DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.ImageProcessing.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="ResizeInterpolateCommandType")> 
Public Enum ResizeInterpolateCommandType  
   Inherits System.Enum 
   Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable  
[DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.ImageProcessing.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="ResizeInterpolateCommandType")] 
public enum class ResizeInterpolateCommandType : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable   


0NormalThis is the fastest one. Not recommended, because aliasing is present everywhere.
2ResampleUse linear interpolation and averaging to produce a higher-quality image.
4BicubicBicubic interpolation and averaging produces a high quality image. This is slower than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bilinear.
5TriangleTriangular-peaked weighting average produces a high quality image.
6HermiteHermite interpolation produces a good quality image better than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bresenham but less than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bilinear. It uses the cubic spline from Hermite interpolation. This is Slower than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bilinear.
7BellBell interpolation to produces a high quality .This filter blurs the image and at the same time it resizes if you want a performance similar to bicubic filtering, but your source image is noisy, then try this on.
8QuadraticBSplineQuadratic B-Spline interpolation produces a smooth quality image but less than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.CubicBSpline. This is Faster than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bicubic but less than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.CubicBSpline.
9CubicBSplineCubic B-Spline interpolation produces a very smooth quality image(most blurry). One step further from ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bell. A bit slower and more blurred image, but less noisy and less sharp). This is faster than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bicubic.
10BoxFilterEquivalent to Nearest Neighbor on upsampling, averages pixels on downsampling, gives best result for images with single pixels lines.
11LanczosLanczos interpolation that uses Sinc (sinx/x) to produce a high quality image. Provides the best quality but it's rather slow.
12MichellMichel interpolation produces a smooth quality image but less than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bell. A bit slower and more blurred image, but less noisy and less sharp. This is faster than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.QuadraticBSpline. This is Slower than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bell. A bit slower and more blurred image, but less noisy and less sharp. This is slower than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bicubic.
13CosineUses the Cosine function in the interpolation to produce a good quality image.
14CatromCatmullRom interpolation produces a high quality image. Slower than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bicubic, but faster than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Lanczos.
15QuadraticQuadratic interpolation produces a high quality image, but less than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bilinear. Slower than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bicubic.
16CubicConvolutionInterpolation to produce high quality image (enhances the image edges). Slower than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bicubic.
17BilinearBilinear interpolation and averaging produces a high-quality image. It is fast but slower than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Normal and ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bresenham.
18BresenhamBresenham interpolation and averaging produces a good quality image(better than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Normal). This is Slower than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Normal but faster than ResizeInterpolateCommandType.Bilinear.

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