ImageViewer Class


For a list of all members of this type, see ImageViewer members

Public Methods

Name Description
beginAutoSizeChanged Disable detecting if the viewer size has changed.
beginRender Stops the viewer from rendering the content if any change is applied. This is useful to increase the control's speed efficiency.
beginTransform Stops the viewer from updating the transformations matrices and updating the view layout. This is useful to increase the control's speed efficiency.
beginUpdate Stops the viewer from updating the transformations matrices, view layout and rendering the content if any change is applied. This is useful to increase the control's speed efficiency.
centerAtPoint Centers the view display at the specified point.
combineFloater Combines the floaters with the images for all items inside this ImageViewer
convertBoundsToView Converts a rectangle value from logical (excluding the current transformation) to physical (in control pixel coordinates).
convertPoint Converts a LeadPointD from one coordinates to the other.
convertPoints Converts an array of LeadPointD from one coordinates to the other.
convertRect Converts a LeadRectD from one coordinates to the other.
convertTransform Converts a transformation matrix relative to one item to another.
disableSync Temporarily disable syncing for a group while keeping the group itself intact.
disableTransitions Stops the viewer from updating the transformations matrices and view layout during CSS transitions.
dispose Destroys this ImageViewer and removes it from the page.
enableSync Re-enable syncing for a group.
enableTransitions Enable updating the transformations matrices and view layout during CSS transitions.
endAutoSizeChanged Enables detecting if the viewer size has changed.
endRender Instruct the viewer that updates are completed and rendering of content can be resumed.
endTransform Instruct the viewer that updates are completed and updating transformations and view layout can be resumed.
endUpdate Instruct the viewer that updates are completed and updating the transformations matrices, view layout and rendering of content can be resumed.
ensureBoundsVisible Ensures that the specified rectangle area is visible in the viewer.
ensureItemVisible Ensures that an item is visible in the viewer.
ensureItemVisibleByIndex Ensures that the item at the specified index is visible in the viewer.
findNearestItem Gets the item nearest to the specified physical (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
getDestinationRectangle Utility method to adjust the given LeadRectD based on source size, size mode and alignment
getFirstVisibleItem First visible item or part of it in the viewer.
getFirstVisibleItemIndex Index for the first visible item or part of it in the viewer.
getImageTransformWithDpi Transformation matrix of the image with or without DPI scaling (single item mode).
getItemBounds Current logical (excluding the current transformation) bounds of any part of an item.
getItemContentTransform Transformation matrix of the content of an item.
getItemFloaterSize Floater image size of an item.
getItemFloaterTransform Transformation matrix of the floater of an item.
getItemImageFloatingPointTransform Transformation matrix of the image of an item without rounded values.
getItemImageSize Image size of an item.
getItemImageTransform Transformation matrix of the image of an item.
getItemImageTransformScaleOnly Transformation matrix of the image of an item without translation and rotation.
getItemImageTransformWithDpi Transformation matrix of the image of an item with or without DPI scaling.
getItemTransform Transformation matrix of the whole item.
getItemViewBounds Current physical (in control pixel coordinates) bounds of any part of an item.
getLargestVisibleItem Largest visible item or part of it in the viewer.
getLargestVisibleItemIndex Index for the largest visible item or part of it in the viewer.
getLastVisibleItem Last visible item or part of it in the viewer.
getLastVisibleItemIndex Index for the last visible item or part of it in the viewer.
getScaleFactors Utility method to calculate the scale factor needed to perform the specified size mode using a source and destination size.
getSynced Returns a list of all ImageViewer instances that match the given sync.
getViewBounds Current bounds of the view in physical (in control pixel) coordinates
gotoItem Scroll to the top-left of an item.
gotoItemByIndex Scroll to the top-left of an item giving its index.
hitTestFloater First item that has its floater under a physical (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
hitTestItem First item that is under a physical (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
hitTestItemPart Specific part of the item under a physical (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
hitTestItems Items that intersect with a rectangle in physical (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
invalidate Invalidates a portion of the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn.
invalidateItem Invalidate an item.
invalidateItemByIndex Invalidate the item at the specified index.
isItemVisible Gets a value that indicate whether the specified item or part is currently visible in the viewer.
isSyncDisabled Determines if syncing for a group has been disabled.
onActiveItemChanged Raises the ActiveItemChanged event.
onAutoItemElementsAdded Raises the AutoItemElementsAdded event.
onAutoItemElementsRemoved Raises the AutoItemElementsRemoved event.
onElementsUpdated Raises the ElementsUpdated event.
onEraseBackground Raises the EraseBackground event.
onForeCanvasSizeChanged Raises the ForeCanvasSizeChanged event.
onItemChanged Raises the ItemChanged event.
onItemDragDrop Raises the ItemDragDrop event.
onItemError Raises the ItemError event.
onPostRender Raises the PostRender event.
onPostRenderItem Raises the PostRenderItem event.
onPreRender Raises the PreRender event.
onPreRenderItem Raises the PreRenderItem event.
onPropertyChanged Raises the PropertyChanged event.
onRedirectRender Raises the RedirectRender event.
onRender Raises the Render event.
onRenderBackground Raises the RenderBackground event.
onRenderBorder Raises the RenderBorder event.
onRenderError Raises the RenderError event.
onRenderImage Raises the RenderImage event.
onRenderItem Raises the RenderItem event.
onRenderItemFloater Raises the RenderItemFloater event.
onRenderItemFloaterRegion Raises the RenderItemFloaterRegion event.
onRenderItemRegion Raises the RenderItemRegion event.
onRenderShadow Raises the RenderShadow event.
onRenderText Raises the RenderText event.
onScrollOffsetChanged Raises the ScrollOffsetChanged event.
onSelectedItemsChanged Raises the SelectedItemsChanged event.
onSizeChanged Inform the control that the size of the container has changed.
onTransformChanged Raises the OnTransformChanged event.
processDragDropUrl Processes the image dropped on this ImageViewer during a drag/drop operation.
renderRedirect Render the content of the viewer to an external context.
reset Resets the display properties to their default values (single item mode).
restrictScrollOffset Ensures a scroll position is inside the minimum and maximum scroll value currently allowed.
scrollBy Scrolls the viewer by the specified amount in pixels.
scrollByRestrict Scrolls the viewer by the specified amount in pixels while always restricting the value to the current minimum and maximum allowed.
sync Establishes sync groups.
translateItemScaleFactor Translates an item horizontally or vertically a given amount of pixels regardless of the current zoom value.
unsync Removes a single viewer from the sync group.
unsyncGroup Un-syncs all members of the sync group of the given sync ID.
updateStyles Inform the viewer that the CSS classes used has been changed.
updateTransform Re-calculates the transformation matrices and update the view layout.
zoom Zooms or changes the size mode of the view.
zoomToRect Zooms the view to the specified rectangle.
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