renderError Event (ImageViewer)


Occurs when an error happens during rendering.


JavaScript Syntax
	get: function(), 
	set: function(value) 
function renderError.add(function(sender, e)); 
function renderError.remove(function(sender, e)); 
TypeScript Syntax
renderError: void;


Rendering of the ImageViewer control normally occurs automatically and not through any code called by the user. If an error occur, the user does not have the ability to try/catch the exception and process the error. Therefore, ImageViewer contains the RenderError events. This will occur when an error happens in the internal rendering cycle. The event uses the same ImageViewerRenderEventArgs data class, so all the usual parameters of what item and part caused the error are passed to the user. In addition, it will catch the error and set it in the ImageViewerRenderEventArgs.Error property.

For more information, refer to Image Viewer Rendering.

Event Data
sendervarThe source of the event.
eImageViewerRenderEventArgsThe event data.

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