InteractiveService Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by InteractiveService.

Public Constructors

Name Description
InteractiveService Initializes a new InteractiveService

Public Methods

Name Description
checkKeyModifier Determines if the specified key modifier is currently in a pressed state.
create Creates a new instance of InteractiveService with the specified parameters.
createControl Creates the interactive service.
deregisterGlobalModifierKeys De-registers the global handler responsible for tracking the modifier keys status.
dispose Releases all resources used by this InteractiveService.
onDoubleTap Raises the DoubleTap event.
onDragCompleted Raises the DragCompleted event.
onDragDelta Raises the DragDelta event.
onDragStarted Raises the DragStarted event.
onHold Raises the Hold event.
onKeyDown Raises the KeyDown event.
onKeyUp Raises the KeyUp event.
onMove Raises the Move event.
onPinchCompleted Raises the PinchCompleted event.
onPinchDelta Raises the PinchDelta event.
onPinchStarted Raises the PinchStarted event.
onSizeChanged Informs the service that the size of the target or events elements have changed.
onTap Raises the Tap event.
registerGlobalModifierKeys Registers the global handler responsible for tracking the modifier keys status.
startListening Starts listening to the events.
stopListening Stops listening to the events.

Public Properties

Name Description
cancelOnEscape Indicates whether to cancel current operation when the user hits the ESC key on the keyboard.
doubleTapDelay Indicates the delay in milliseconds between taps for the DoubleTap events.
dragStartsOnDown Indicates whether DragStarted events should fire on mouse or touch down.
enableHold Indicates whether Hold events should fire.
enableMouseWheel Indicates whether mouse wheel is enabled.
enableSelection Indicates whether selection of HTML elements is enabled.
eventsSource Events source control or HTML element.
eventsTarget Events target control or HTML element.
hitTestBuffer Hit test buffer.
holdDelay Indicates the delay in milliseconds for the Hold events.
isListening Gets a value that indicates whether the service is currently listening to the events.
modifierKeys The keyboard modifier keys currently down (pressed).
owner Owner of the service.
pinchStartsOnDown Indicates whether PinchStarted events should fire on mouse or touch down.
preventContextMenu Indicates whether to prevent the browser context menu from appearing if activated on top of the events element.
supportsMouse Gets a value that indicate whether the current platform supports a mouse.
tapOnDown Indicates whether Tap events should fire on mouse or touch down.
targetOffset Events target offset.
userControls User HTML elements.

Public Events

Name Description
doubleTap Occurs when the user double taps with the mouse or a finger.
dragCompleted Occurs when the user completes a drag operation.
dragDelta Occurs when the user moves the mouse or finger while dragging.
dragStarted Occurs when the user starts a drag operation.
hold Occurs when the user taps and holds with the mouse or a finger.
keyDown Occurs when the user presses a key down.
keyUp Occurs when the user releases a key.
move Occurs when the user moves the mouse over the control.
pinchCompleted Occurs when the user completes a pinch operation.
pinchDelta Occurs when the user moves the fingers while performing a pinch operation.
pinchStarted Occurs when the user starts a pinch operation.
tap Occurs when the user performs a tap operation with either the mouse or a finger.
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