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The Leadtools.Drawing assembly includes filters and transforms to process images (or selected portions). It includes methods to perform color transforms like adjusting the brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, intensity, etc.

For an outline and description of enumerations and classes, click "Leadtools.Drawing" under Namespaces, below.


Leadtools.DrawingOverview and description of classes, enumerations, and structures that include filters and transforms to process images (or selected image portions). It includes methods to control brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, intensity, etc.

In addition to the Leadtools.Drawing namespace, LEADTOOLS offers the following namespaces/assemblies to provide image processing support:

Assembly/Namespace Description
Leadtools.ImageProcessing Overview and description of properties, methods and events for displaying and rendering images to any display device, including printers.


Overview and description of more filters and transforms to process images (or selected portions). It includes mostly methods for medical, document and detection transforms, like multiscale enhancement, registration mark transformation, and document cleaning.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects Overview and description of filters and transforms to process images (or selected portions). It includes methods to smooth, sharpen, detect/enhance edges, remove noise and combine two or more images.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SpecialEffects Overview and description of filters and transforms to process images (or selected portions). It includes methods for applying artistic effects like ripple, warp, tunnel, lens flare, colored pencil, etc.
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Leadtools.Drawing Assembly
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