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Leadtools.Mrc Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools Mrc enumerations.

Enumeration Description
MrcCombineSegmentFlags Flag that indicates how segments will be combined.
MrcGrayscaleCompression2BitCoder Flag that indicates the background (grayscale 2 bit) compression type.
MrcGrayscaleCompression8BitCoder Flags that indicate the background (grayscale 8 bit) compression type.
MrcImageFormat Flags that are needed to save the MRC image using the LEAD Proprietary T44 format.
MrcImageListFormat Flags that indicate the formats of output files used in MrcSegmenter.SaveBitmapList Method.
MrcMaskCompression Flags that indicate the mask compression.
MrcPictureCompression Flags that indicate the background (picture) compression type.
MrcSegmentImageFlags Flags that indicate the segmentation preference, whether to force segments to be 2-bit segments, and whether to search for background segments.
MrcSegmentType Flags that indicate the type of segment.
MrcT44ImageFormat Flags that are needed to save the MRC image using the Standard T44 format.
MrcTextCompression2BitCoder Flags that indicate the text 2-bit compression type.
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