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MrcSegmenter Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MrcSegmenter.

Public Constructors

Name Description
MrcSegmenter Loads segments from a file.

Public Methods

Name Description
AddSegment Adds a new segment manually and sets the segment information.
Clone Copies the segmentation object to another segmentation object with its data.
CombineSegments Combines two segments.
DeleteSegment Deletes a segment.
EnumerateSegments Enumerates the segments.
GetPagesCount Gets the number of pages in an MRC file.
LoadImage Loads an MRC image file into an image. The file can be in any supported image file format.
Save Saves the segments to a specific file.
SaveBitmapList Saves MRC images contained in an image list to a file using the MRC LEAD, standard Proprietary T44 or PDF format.
SaveImage Saves an MRC image contained in an image to a file using the LEAD Proprietary T44 format.
SaveImageT44 Saves an MRC image contained in an image to a file using the Standard T44 format.
SegmentImage Automatically segments the specified image, finding the best segment combination without specifying minimum segment dimensions.
SetSegmentData Updates the specified segment.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose This member supports the Leadtools infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Finalize This method overrides Object.Finalize. and it will stop the segmentation process.
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