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MrcCompressionOptions Structure Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MrcCompressionOptions.

Public Constructors

Name Description
MrcCompressionOptions Initializes a new MrcCompressionOptions with explicit parameters.

Public Properties

Name Description
Empty Represents an MrcCompressionOptions structure with its properties left uninitialized.
Grayscale2BitCoder Gets or sets a value that indicates the background (grayscale 2 bit) compression type.
Grayscale8BitCoder Gets or sets a value that indicates the background (grayscale 8 bit) compression type.
Grayscale8BitFactor Gets or sets the compression quality for JPEG, CMP and CMW compression.
MaskCoder Gets or sets the mask compression.
PictureCoder Gets or sets the value that indicates the background (picture) compression type.
PictureQualityFactor Gets or sets the compression quality for JPEG, CMP and CMW compression.
Text2BitCoder Gets or sets the value that indicates the text 2-bit compression type.
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