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PlayCtrl Class


For a list of all members of this type, see PlayCtrl members

Public Methods

Name Description
CheckSeekingCapabilities Specifies whether the object is capable of performing the specified seeking operation.
GetPreferredMediaSourceHandler Retrieves the preferred media source handler's GUID set using SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler.
GetStillDIB Gets a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
GetStillImage Gets a System.Drawing.Image object.
GetSubObject Gets the specified topology object.
HasDialog Checks whether the specified property dialog is available.
IsRateSupported Determines whether a specific playback rate is supported.
MarkSelectionEnd Sets the selection ending mark equal to the current position.
MarkSelectionStart Sets the selection starting mark equal to the current position.
NextFrame Seeks to the next video frame.
Pause Pauses the current media file playback.
PreviousFrame Seeks for the previous video frame.
ResetSource Resets the media source.
Run Plays the current media source.
SaveStillBitmap Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file as a bitmap.
SaveStillDIB Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file as a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).
SeekEnd Seeks for the end of the media file.
SeekSelectionEnd Seeks for the ending mark of the selection.
SeekSelectionStart Seeks for the starting mark for the selection.
SeekStart Seeks for the beginning of the media file.
SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler Sets a preferred media source handler's GUID.
ShowDialog Displays the specified property dialog.
Stop Stops the current media file playback.
ToggleFullScreenMode Switches the full screen mode on or off.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose Releases internal control object and related object references.
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