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VideoBitrate Property


Gets or sets the video Bitrate value of the target format.


public int VideoBitrate {get; set;} 
Public Property VideoBitrate As Integer 
property int VideoBitrate { 
   int get(); 
   void set (    int ); 

Property Value

a value representing the video Bitrate.


Gets or sets the video Bitrate value of the target format.


using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.MediaFoundation; 
using LeadtoolsMediaFoundationExamples.Fixtures; 
public bool _result = false; 
public ConvertCtrlForm _form = new ConvertCtrlForm(); 
public ConvertCtrl _convertctrl; 
public void VideoFormatsExample() 
   // reference the convert control 
   _convertctrl = _form.ConvertCtrl; 
   // input and output files 
   string inFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "ConvertCtrl_Source.avi"); 
   string outFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "ConvertCtrl_VideoFormatsExample.MP4"); 
      // set the source for conversion 
      _convertctrl.SourceFile = inFile; 
      // get the MP4 target format 
      TargetFormat tf = _convertctrl.TargetFormats[TargetFormatType.MP4]; 
      // reset the MP4 target format 
      // select the MP4 target format 
      tf.Selected = true; 
      // select H264 video format 
      int index = -1; 
      TargetVideoFormats targetvideoformats = tf.VideoFormats; 
      index = targetvideoformats.IndexOf("{34363248-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}");// H264 
      targetvideoformats.Selection = index; 
      // select AAC audio format 
      TargetAudioFormats targetaudioformats = tf.AudioFormats; 
      index = targetaudioformats.IndexOf("{00001610-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}");// AAC 
      targetaudioformats.Selection = index; 
      // set audio properties 
      tf.AudioAvgBytesPerSecond = 24000; 
      tf.AudioBitsPerSample = 16; 
      tf.AudioNumChannels = 2; 
      tf.AudioSamplesPerSecond = 44100; 
      // set video properties 
      tf.VideoEncodeQuality = 85; 
      tf.VideoFrameHeight = 240; 
      tf.VideoFrameRate = 29.26; 
      tf.VideoFrameWidth = 320; 
      // set the target output file and format 
      _convertctrl.TargetFile = outFile; 
      // set our progress event handler 
      _convertctrl.Progress += new ProgressEventHandler(ConvertCtrl_Progress); 
      // convert it now! 
   catch (Exception) 
      _result = false; 
   // we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example. 
   // but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application. 
   while (_convertctrl.State == ConvertState.Running) 
void ConvertCtrl_Progress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) 
   // set the result to true if complete 
   if (e.percent == 100) 
      _result = true; 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string MediaDir = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 19\Media"; 
Imports Leadtools 
Imports Leadtools.MediaFoundation 
Imports LeadtoolsMediaFoundationExamples.Fixtures 
Public _result As Boolean = False 
Public _form As ConvertCtrlForm = New ConvertCtrlForm() 
Public _convertctrl As ConvertCtrl 
Public Sub VideoFormatsExample() 
   ' reference the convert control 
   _convertctrl = _form.ConvertCtrl 
   ' input and output files 
   Dim inFile As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "ConvertCtrl_Source.avi") 
   Dim outFile As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "ConvertCtrl_VideoFormatsExample.mp4") 
      ' set the source for conversion 
      _convertctrl.SourceFile = inFile 
      ' get MP4 target format 
      Dim tf As TargetFormat = _convertctrl.TargetFormats(TargetFormatType.MP4) 
      ' reset MP4 target format 
      ' select MP4 target format 
      tf.Selected = True 
      ' select H264 video format 
      Dim index As Integer = -1 
      Dim trgvideoformats As TargetVideoFormats = _convertctrl.TargetFormats(_convertctrl.TargetFormat).VideoFormats 
      index = trgvideoformats.IndexOf("{34363248-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}") ' H264 
      trgvideoformats.Selection = index 
      ' select AAC audio format 
      Dim trgaudioformats As TargetAudioFormats = _convertctrl.TargetFormats(_convertctrl.TargetFormat).AudioFormats 
      index = trgaudioformats.IndexOf("{00001610-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}") ' AAC 
      trgaudioformats.Selection = index 
      ' set audio properties 
      tf.AudioAvgBytesPerSecond = 24000 
      tf.AudioBitsPerSample = 16 
      tf.AudioNumChannels = 2 
      tf.AudioSamplesPerSecond = 44100 
      ' set video properties 
      tf.VideoEncodeQuality = 85 
      tf.VideoFrameHeight = 240 
      tf.VideoFrameRate = 29.26 
      tf.VideoFrameWidth = 320 
      ' set the target output file and format 
      _convertctrl.TargetFile = outFile 
      ' subscribe to the progress event 
      AddHandler _convertctrl.Progress, AddressOf ConvertCtrl_Progress 
      ' convert it now! 
   Catch e1 As Exception 
      _result = False 
   End Try 
   ' we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example. 
   ' but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application. 
   Do While _convertctrl.State = ConvertState.Running 
End Sub 
Private Sub ConvertCtrl_Progress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ProgressEventArgs) 
   ' set the result to true if complete 
   If e.percent = 100 Then 
      _result = True 
   End If 
End Sub 
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS 
   Public Const MediaDir As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 19\Media" 
End Class 


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Leadtools.MediaFoundation Assembly
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