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MWLDataset.ImagingServiceRequestRow Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MWLDataset.ImagingServiceRequestRow.

Public Methods

Name Description
GetRequestedProcedureRows Returns the child RequestedProcedureRow for this ImagingServiceRequestRow.
IsImagingServiceRequestCommentsNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ImagingServiceRequestCommentsColumn contains a null value.
IsReferringPhysicianFamilyNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianFamilyNameColumn contains a null value.
IsReferringPhysicianGivenNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianGivenNameColumn contains a null value.
IsReferringPhysicianMiddleNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianMiddleNameColumn contains a null value.
IsReferringPhysicianPrefixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianPrefixColumn contains a null value.
IsReferringPhysicianSuffixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianSuffixColumn contains a null value.
IsRequestingPhysicianFamilyNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianFamilyNameColumn contains a null value.
IsRequestingPhysicianGivenNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianGivenNameColumn contains a null value.
IsRequestingPhysicianMiddleNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianMiddleNameColumn contains a null value.
IsRequestingPhysicianPrefixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianPrefixColumn contains a null value.
IsRequestingPhysicianSuffixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianSuffixColumn contains a null value.
IsRequestingServiceNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingServiceColumn contains a null value.
SetImagingServiceRequestCommentsNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ImagingServiceRequestCommentsColumn to a null value.
SetReferringPhysicianFamilyNameNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianFamilyNameColumn to a null value.
SetReferringPhysicianGivenNameNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianGivenNameColumn to a null value.
SetReferringPhysicianMiddleNameNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianMiddleNameColumn to a null value.
SetReferringPhysicianPrefixNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianPrefixColumn to a null value.
SetReferringPhysicianSuffixNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.ReferringPhysicianSuffixColumn to a null value.
SetRequestingPhysicianFamilyNameNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianFamilyNameColumn to a null value.
SetRequestingPhysicianGivenNameNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianGivenNameColumn to a null value.
SetRequestingPhysicianMiddleNameNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianMiddleNameColumn to a null value.
SetRequestingPhysicianPrefixNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianPrefixColumn to a null value.
SetRequestingPhysicianSuffixNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingPhysicianSuffixColumn to a null value.
SetRequestingServiceNull Sets the value of the ImagingServiceRequestDataTable.RequestingServiceColumn to a null value.

Public Properties

Name Description
AccessionNumber Gets or sets the Accession Number.
ImagingServiceRequestComments Gets or sets the Imaging Service Request Comments.
IssuerOfPatientID Gets or sets the Issuer Of Patient ID.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientRowParent Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this ImagingServiceRequestRow
ReferringPhysicianFamilyName Gets or sets the Referring Physician Family Name.
ReferringPhysicianGivenName Gets or sets the Referring Physician Given Name.
ReferringPhysicianMiddleName Gets or sets the Referring Physician Middle Name.
ReferringPhysicianPrefix Gets or sets the Referring Physician Prefix.
ReferringPhysicianSuffix Gets or sets the Referring Physician Suffix.
RequestingPhysicianFamilyName Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Family Name.
RequestingPhysicianGivenName Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Given Name.
RequestingPhysicianMiddleName Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Middle Name.
RequestingPhysicianPrefix Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Prefix.
RequestingPhysicianSuffix Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Suffix.
RequestingService Gets or sets the Requesting Service.
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