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Patient Class


For a list of all members of this type, see Patient members

Public Properties

Name Description
AdditionalPatientHistory Gets or sets the Additional Patient History.
CatalogKey Gets the catalog entity key used to map the physical table name from the catalog.
ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescription Gets or sets the Confidentiality Constrainton Patient Data Description.
EthnicGroup Gets or sets the Ethnic Group.
IssuerOfPatientID Gets or sets the Issuer Of Patient ID.
LastMenstrualDate Gets or sets the Last Menstrual Date.
PatientBirthDate Gets or sets the Patient Birth Date.
PatientComments Gets or sets the Patient Comments.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientNameFamilyName Gets or sets the Patient Name Family Name.
PatientNameGivenName Gets or sets the Patient Name Given Name.
PatientNameMiddleName Gets or sets the Patient Name Middle Name.
PatientNamePrefix Gets or sets the Patient Name Prefix.
PatientNameSuffix Gets or sets the Patient Name Suffix.
PatientSex Gets or sets the Patient Sex.
PatientState Gets or sets the Patient State.
PatientWeight Gets or sets the Patient Weight.
PregnancyStatus Gets or sets the Pregnancy Status.
SpecialNeeds Gets or sets the Special Needs.
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Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Assembly
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