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MWLDataset.PatientRow Class


For a list of all members of this type, see MWLDataset.PatientRow members

Public Methods

Name Description
GetContrastAllergiesRows Returns the child ContrastAllergiesRow for this PatientRow.
GetImagingServiceRequestRows Returns the child ImagingServiceRequestRow for this PatientRow.
GetMedicalAlertsRows Returns the child MedicalAlertsRow for this PatientRow.
GetOtherPatientIDsRows Returns the child OtherPatientIDsRow for this PatientRow.
IsAdditionalPatientHistoryNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn contains a null value.
IsConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionColumn contains a null value.
IsEthnicGroupNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.EthnicGroupColumn contains a null value.
IsLastMenstrualDateNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.LastMenstrualDateColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientBirthDateNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientBirthDateColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientCommentsNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientCommentsColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientNameFamilyNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNameFamilyNameColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientNameGivenNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNameGivenNameColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientNameMiddleNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNameMiddleNameColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientNamePrefixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNamePrefixColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientNameSuffixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNameSuffixColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientSexNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientSexColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientStateNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientStateColumn contains a null value.
IsPatientWeightNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientWeightColumn contains a null value.
IsPregnancyStatusNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PregnancyStatusColumn contains a null value.
IsSpecialNeedsNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.SpecialNeedsColumn contains a null value.
SetAdditionalPatientHistoryNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn to a null value.
SetConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionColumn to a null value.
SetEthnicGroupNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.EthnicGroupColumn to a null value.
SetLastMenstrualDateNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.LastMenstrualDateColumn to a null value.
SetPatientBirthDateNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientBirthDateColumn to a null value.
SetPatientCommentsNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientCommentsColumn to a null value.
SetPatientNameFamilyNameNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNameFamilyNameColumn to a null value.
SetPatientNameGivenNameNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNameGivenNameColumn to a null value.
SetPatientNameMiddleNameNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNameMiddleNameColumn to a null value.
SetPatientNamePrefixNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNamePrefixColumn to a null value.
SetPatientNameSuffixNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNameSuffixColumn to a null value.
SetPatientSexNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientSexColumn to a null value.
SetPatientStateNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientStateColumn to a null value.
SetPatientWeightNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientWeightColumn to a null value.
SetPregnancyStatusNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PregnancyStatusColumn to a null value.
SetSpecialNeedsNull Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.SpecialNeedsColumn to a null value.
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Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Assembly
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