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Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common Delegates


Overview and description of Leadtools Dicom Scu Common delegates.

Delegate Description
AfterAssociateRequestDelegate Represents the method that will handle the AfterAssociateRequest event of a DicomFindSCU.
AfterCFindDelegate Represents the method that will handle the AfterCFind event.
AfterCGetDelegate Represents the method that will handle the AfterCGet event.
AfterCMoveDelegate Represents the method that will handle the AfterCMove event.
AfterConnectDelegate Represents the method that will handle the AfterConnect event.
AfterCStoreDelegate Represents the method that will handle the AfterCStoreEvent.
AfterSecureLinkReadyDelegate Represents the method that will handle the AfterSecureLinkReady event.
BeforeAssociationRequestDelegate Represents the method that will handle the BeforeAssociationRequest event of a DicomFindSCU.
BeforeCFindDelegate Represents the method that will handle the BeforeCFind event of a DicomFindSCU.
BeforeCGetDelegate Represents the method that will handle the BeforeCGet event.
BeforeCMoveDelegate Represents the method that will handle the BeforeCMove event.
BeforeConnectDelegate Represents the method that will handle the BeforeConnect event.
BeforeCStoreDelegate Represents the method that will handle the BeforeCStore event.
MatchInstanceDelegate Represents the method that will handle the MatchInstance event.
MatchSeriesDelegate Represents the method that will handle the MatchSeries event.
MatchStudyDelegate Represents the method that will handle the MatchStudy event.
MovedDelegate Represents the method that will handle the Moved event.
PrivateKeyPasswordDelegate Represents the method that will handle the PrivateKeyPassword event.
ReceiveBufferDelegate Represents the method that will handle the ReceiveBuffer event.
ReceivedStoreRequestDelegate Represents the method that will handle the Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.QueryRetrieveScu.ReceivedStoreRequest event.
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