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QueryRetrieveScu Class


For a list of all members of this type, see QueryRetrieveScu members

Public Methods

Name Description
Find Sends a C-FIND-REQ message to a peer member of a connection defined by Scp. The C-FIND-REQ dataset is provided by Template.
Find<TQuery,TResult> Sends a C-FIND-REQ message to a peer member of a connection defined by Scp. The C-FIND-REQ is defined by the Query parameter.
Get Sends an IMAGE-level C-GET-REQ message to a peer member of a connection defined by Scp.
GetCompatiblePresentationContext Returns a Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common.PresentationContext that contains the abstract syntax and transfer syntax of a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet
Move Sends a C-MOVE-REQ message to a peer member of a connection defined by Scp.

Protected Methods

Name Description
BuildAssociation Builds the association.
Finalize Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the QueryRetrieveScu is reclaimed by garbage collection.
GetPresentationContexts Gets the presentation contexts. Should be overridden in derived classes.
OnAfterCGet Raises the AfterCGet event.
OnAfterCMove Raises the AfterCMove event.
OnBeforeCGet Raises the BeforeCGet event.
OnBeforeCMove Raises the BeforeCMove event.
OnReceiveAssociateAccept Called when an associate accept is received.
OnReceiveAssociateRequest Called when an associate request is received.
OnReceiveCFindResponse Called when C-FIND-RSP is received.
OnReceiveCGetResponse Called when a C-GET-RSP received.
OnReceiveCMoveResponse Called when C-MOVE-RSP is received.
OnReceiveCStoreRequest Called when a C-STORE-REQ is received from the internal storage server.
OnReceiveReleaseRequest Notifies a connection that a Release Request message was received.
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Leadtools.Dicom.Scu Assembly
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