Introduction to Vector Automation

Adding Automation to an application enables the user to add all the vector toolkit capabilities and the associated user interfaces, to that application. The vector automation toolkit coordinates the low-level Vector toolkit functions, the LEAD container functions and the LEAD toolbar functions. This facilitates the building of a vector application and removes the need to understand all the low level functionality.

The vector automation toolkit can perform the following tasks:

The vector automation toolbar lets the user select the needed tool and draw, while the automation handles the visual feedback needed to communicate between the drawing process and the user. Mouse cursors and the basic drawing algorithms for selected objects (Line, Ellipse, Polygon etc.) are handled by automation. The Vector objects currently available in the toolkit are:

The user should have a good grasp of the following LEAD functionalities before effectively using the automated Vector functionality:

The vector automation functionality gives the user the flexibility to create and add LEAD Containers and the LEAD Toolbar using automated functions. This offers the maximum possible creativity to the user. Note that using the low-level functionality of the LEADTOOLS Container and LEADTOOLS Toolbar can occasionally create internal automation conflicts. Consequently, it is best to use the given automation interface functions with the LEADTOOLS Container and the LEADTOOLS Toolbar.

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