Copies the valid automation data on the clipboard to the active automation container.
#include "ltaut.h"
L_LTAUT_API L_INT L_AutPaste(pAutomation, dwFlags)
Pointer to an automation handle.
Reserved for future use. Must be 0.
Value | Meaning |
SUCCESS | The function was successful. |
< 1 | An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
Call L_AutClipboardDataReady to determine whether valid automation data exists on the clipboard.
To copy automation data from the active automation container to the clipboard use L_AutCopy. Automation data can be cut from the active automation container and placed on the clipboard using L_AutCut.
This example shows how to paste the current clipboard contents (if any)
to the current active automation.
L_INT AutPasteExample( pAUTOMATIONHANDLE pAutomation )
L_INT nRet;
nRet = L_AutIsValid ( pAutomation );
if ( SUCCESS == nRet ) /* check the validity of the automation handle */
L_BOOL fReady ;
/* check if there is a valid automation mode data on the clipboard */
nRet = L_AutClipboardDataReady ( pAutomation, &fReady ) ;
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
if ( fReady )
/* paste the data to the current active container */
nRet = L_AutPaste ( pAutomation, 0 ) ;
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
return SUCCESS ;
return nRet ;