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Sets the container object drawing type.
#include "Ltwrappr.h"
L_INT LContainer::SetObjectType (nObjectType)
An integer value that indicates the object type to set. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_POINT | The object is a point, nothing is drawn to the screen. |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_LINE | The object is a line. The container will start drawing a line when the user presses the left mouse button, and will continue drawing the line as the user drags the mouse. The drawing will end when the user releases the left mouse button or presses the right mouse button. |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_SQUARE | The object is a square. The container will start drawing a square when the user presses the left mouse button, and will continue drawing the square as the user drags the mouse. The drawing will end when the user releases the left mouse button or presses the right mouse button. |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_RECT | The object is a rectangle. The container will start drawing a rectangle when the user presses the left mouse button, and will continue drawing the rectangle as the user drags the mouse. The drawing will end when the user releases the left mouse button or presses the right mouse button. |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_CIRCLE | The object is a circle. The container will start drawing a circle when the user presses the left mouse button, and will continue drawing the circle as the user drags the mouse. The drawing will end when the user releases the left mouse button or presses the right mouse button. |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_ELLIPSE | The object is an ellipse. The container will start drawing an ellipse when the user presses the left mouse button, and will continue drawing the ellipse as the user drags the mouse. The drawing will end when the user releases the left mouse button or presses the right mouse button. |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_POLYLINE | The object is a polygon. The container will start drawing a polygon when the user presses the left mouse button, and will continue drawing the polygon as the user drags the mouse. The drawing will end when the user double clicks the left mouse button. Drawing is aborted when the user presses the right mouse button. |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_BEZIER | The object is a Bezier curve. The container will start drawing a Bezier curve when the user presses the left mouse button, and will continue drawing the curve as the user drags the mouse. The drawing will end when the user double clicks the left mouse button. Drawing is aborted when the user presses the right mouse button. The user can manipulate the curve control points, after drawing the first curve, by using the left mouse button to move the first curve control point and the SHIFT+left mouse button to move the second control point. |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_ARC | The object is an arc. The arc is drawn by specifying its center, radius, start angle and sweep angle. The user presses the left mouse button at the point where the center of the arc (the vertex about which the arc sweeps) will be. Holding the left mouse button down, the user drags the mouse the length of the radius, along the desired start angle and releases the left mouse button. Press the left mouse button again and drag the mouse through the desired sweep angle. Release the mouse button. Releasing the mouse button will end the operation. Clicking the right-mouse button will abort the operation. |
CONTAINER_OBJECT_TYPE_TEXT | The object is a text object. The user specifies the text box dimensions by pressing the left-mouse button and dragging the mouse. The desired text can then be entered in the text box. Double-clicking anywhere outside the text box will end the operation. Clicking the right-mouse button will abort the operation. The properties of the text will be specified through the container metrics. |
Value | Meaning |
SUCCESS | The function was successful. |
< 1 | An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
For an example, refer to LContainer::Create.