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DefaultInstanceInfo Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see DefaultInstanceInfo members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method DeleteDicomDataSet A default implementation that deletes a DicomDataSet specified by row.
Public Method DeleteDicomDataSetDirectory A default implementation that deletes the directory (if empty) specified by row.
Public Method ExistsDicomDataSet A default implementation that returns true if the DicomDataSet specified by row exists; false otherwise.
Public Method ExternalStoreGuid A default implementation that returns a unique external store GUID for the DicomDataSet specified by row if stored externally.
Public Method GetElementValue A default implementation that returns an instance related DICOM tag value that is stored in a System.Data.DataRow of the Instance Table.
Public Method GetReferencedImagesRows A default implementation that returns an array of System.Data.DataRow in the ReferencedImages Table that correspond to this instance
Public Method static  | Shared in VB GetRetrieveCrud Gets an object implementing the ICrud interface that corresponds to _row_"/>
Public Method GetSeriesRow A default implementation that returns a System.Data.DataRow in the Series Table for the series that this instance belongs to
Public Method LoadDicomDataSet A default implementation that returns the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet that corresponds to _row_"/>
Public Method ReferencedFile A default implementation that returns the fully specified local path for the DicomDataSet specified by row.
Public Method SaveDicomDataSet A default implementation that saves a DicomDataSet either locally or externally
Public Method StoreToken A default implementation that returns a store token for the DicomDataSet specified by row if stored externally.
Public Method UpdateDicomDataSet A default implementation that updates a DicomDataSet specified by row.

See Also

DefaultInstanceInfo Class

Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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