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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Interfaces


Overview and description of Leadtools Medical Storage DataAccessLayer interfaces.


Interface Description
Interface IDicomDataSetConverter Converts a DicomDataSet object to a CompositeInstanceDataSet.
Interface IDicomDataSetConverter2 Converts a DicomDataSet object to a CompositeInstanceDataSet.This interface differs from the IDicomDataSetConverter interface in that it supports the external store feature,and the StoreAE field (the Store AE is the AE Title of the SCU that initiated the C-Store-REQ
Interface IStorageDataAccessAgent Provides methods for accessing and adding DICOM Instance information.
Interface IStorageDataAccessAgent2 Provides methods for accessing and adding DICOM Instance information.
Interface IStorageDataAccessAgent3 Provides methods for accessing and adding DICOM Instance information.
Interface IStorageDataAccessAgent4 Provides methods for accessing and adding DICOM Instance information.
Interface IStorageDataAccessAgent5 Provides methods for retrieving one or more DicomDataSet from the storage source.
Interface IStorageDataAccessAgent6 Provides members for limiting the results of storage data access queries.
Interface IStorageDataAccessAgent7 Provides members for managing orphaned database records.
Help Version 23.0.2024.5.1
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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Assembly
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