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Returns the count of existing, missing, or all JSON metadata records in a database.
public int GetCountMetadataJson(
MetadataScope scope
Int32 GetCountMetadataJson(
MetadataScope^ scope
An enumeration that specifies if the count is for existing, missing, or all JSON metadata records.
The count of existing, missing, or all JSON metadata records in a database.
The database contains
MetadataXml table that stores XML metadata for all instances
If scope is MetadataScope.All then GetCountMetadataJson returns the count of instances in the Instance table.
If scope is MetadataScope.Existing then GetCountMetadataJson returns (count of instances in the MetadataJson table).
If scope is MetadataScope.Missing then GetCountMetadataJson returns (count of instances in the Instance table) minus (count of instances in the MetadataJson table).
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Extensions;
using Leadtools.DicomDemos;
using Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer;
using Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer;
using Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer.Configuration;
public static IStorageDataAccessAgent4 GetStorageDataAccessAgent4()
// Before running this sample, follow these steps:
// 1. Run CSPacsDatabaseConfigurationDemo.exe to create the databases
// 2. Run CSPACSConfigDemo.exe to create the DICOM services
// 3. Set 'serviceDirectory' to the DICOM service folder
string serviceDirectory = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Bin\Dotnet4\x64\L22_PACS_SCP64";
string productName = "StorageServer";
string serviceName = "L22_PACS_SCP64";
System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = DicomDemoSettingsManager.GetGlobalPacsAddinsConfiguration(serviceDirectory);
StorageDataAccessConfigurationView view = new StorageDataAccessConfigurationView(configuration, productName, serviceName);
IStorageDataAccessAgent4 agent = DataAccessFactory.GetInstance(view).CreateDataAccessAgent<IStorageDataAccessAgent4>();
return agent;
// Stores a DICOM file to the database
// Stores XML and JSON metadata
// returns the SOPInstanceUID
public static string StoreDicomAndMetadataToDatabase(string dicomFileName, IStorageDataAccessAgent4 agent)
DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet();
ds.Load(dicomFileName, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None);
DicomElement element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID, true);
string sopInstanceUid = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0);
agent.StoreDicom(ds, dicomFileName, "DemoAE", null, true, true, true, true);
// You can store XML and JSON data with separate calls
agent.StoreMetadataXml(ds, sopInstanceUid, DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags.IgnoreBinaryData, true);
agent.StoreMetadataJson(ds, sopInstanceUid, DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags.IgnoreBinaryData, true);
// Or you can generate both XML and JSON data with a single method
MetadataOptions options = new MetadataOptions();
options.SaveJsonFlags = DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags.IgnoreBinaryData;
options.SaveXmlFlags = DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags.IgnoreBinaryData;
options.StoreJson = true;
options.StoreXml = true;
agent.StoreMetadata(ds, sopInstanceUid, options, true);
return sopInstanceUid;
public static void DicomMetadataSample()
IStorageDataAccessAgent4 agent = GetStorageDataAccessAgent4();
// Delete all existing metadata
// Add two DICOM files, and generate the XML and JSON metadata for each
string sopInstanceUid2 = StoreDicomAndMetadataToDatabase(@"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\DICOM\image2.dcm", agent);
string sopInstanceUid3 = StoreDicomAndMetadataToDatabase(@"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\DICOM\image3.dcm", agent);
// Verify the metadata exists for sopInstanceUid2
bool exists = agent.ExistsMetadataXml(sopInstanceUid2);
exists = agent.ExistsMetadataJson(sopInstanceUid2);
// Get the total possible XML metadata count -- this is the count of all DICOM instances
int xmlMetadataCount = agent.GetCountMetadataXml(MetadataScope.All);
Debug.WriteLine("XML MetadataCount: {0}", xmlMetadataCount);
// Get the existing count of XML metadata records
int xmlMetadataExistingCount = agent.GetCountMetadataXml(MetadataScope.Existing);
Debug.WriteLine("XML Existing MetadataCount: {0}", xmlMetadataExistingCount);
// Get the missing count of XML metadata records
int xmlMetadataMissingCount = agent.GetCountMetadataXml(MetadataScope.Missing);
Debug.WriteLine("XML Missing MetadataCount: {0}", xmlMetadataMissingCount);
// Get the missing count of JSON metadata records
int jsonMetadataMissingCount = agent.GetCountMetadataJson(MetadataScope.Missing);
Debug.WriteLine("JSON Missing MetadataCount: {0}", jsonMetadataMissingCount);
// Delete the metadata for sopInstanceUid2 and sopInstanceUid3
List<string> sopList = new List<string>();
// Verify the metadata exists no longer exists for sopInstanceUid2
exists = agent.ExistsMetadataXml(sopInstanceUid2);
exists = agent.ExistsMetadataJson(sopInstanceUid2);
// Generate metadata for all records in the database
agent.GenerateMetadataStarting += Agent_GenerateMetadataStarting;
agent.GenerateMetadataUpdate += Agent_GenerateMetadataUpdate;
agent.GenerateMetadataCompleted += Agent_GenerateMetadataCompleted;
agent.GenerateMetadataXml(DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags.IgnoreBinaryData, MetadataScope.All);
agent.GenerateMetadataJson(DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags.IgnoreBinaryData, MetadataScope.All);
// Or you can call a single method to generate all metadata
MetadataOptions options = new MetadataOptions();
options.SaveJsonFlags = DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags.IgnoreBinaryData;
options.SaveXmlFlags = DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags.IgnoreBinaryData;
options.StoreJson = true;
options.StoreXml = true;
agent.GenerateMetadata(options, MetadataScope.All);
private static void Agent_GenerateMetadataCompleted(object sender, GenerateMetadataArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("GenerateMetadataCompleted {0} of {1}: ", e.CurrentItem + 1, e.TotalCount);
private static void Agent_GenerateMetadataUpdate(object sender, GenerateMetadataArgs e)
// Cancel generating metadata after 5 metadata records have been generated
if (e.CurrentItem + 1 == 5)
e.Cancelled = true;
Debug.WriteLine("GenerateMetadataUpdate - Cancelled {0} of {1}: ", e.CurrentItem + 1, e.TotalCount);
private static void Agent_GenerateMetadataStarting(object sender, GenerateMetadataArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("GenerateMetadataStarting {0} of {1}: ", e.CurrentItem + 1, e.TotalCount);
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