public virtual void ToggleFullScreenMode()
virtual void ToggleFullScreenMode();
This is a convenient method for toggling the full screen mode on and off. If the method fails, an error is raised. For more information, refer to the Error Codes.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.MediaFoundation;
using LeadtoolsMediaFoundationExamples.Fixtures;
public bool _result = false;
public bool _exit = false;
public ConvertCtrlForm _form = new ConvertCtrlForm();
public ConvertCtrl _convertctrl;
public void KeyPressesExample()
// reference the convert control
_convertctrl = _form.ConvertCtrl;
// input and output files
string inFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "ConvertCtrl_Source.avi");
string outFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "ConvertCtrl_KeyPressesExample.mp4");
// set the source file
_convertctrl.SourceFile = inFile;
// select MP4 target format
_convertctrl.TargetFormat = TargetFormatType.MP4;
// select H264 video target format
int index = -1;
TargetVideoFormats targetvideoformats = _convertctrl.TargetFormats[_convertctrl.TargetFormat].VideoFormats;
index = targetvideoformats.IndexOf("{34363248-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}");// H264
targetvideoformats.Selection = index;
// select AAC audio target format
TargetAudioFormats targetaudioformats = _convertctrl.TargetFormats[_convertctrl.TargetFormat].AudioFormats;
index = targetaudioformats.IndexOf("{00001610-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}");// AAC
targetaudioformats.Selection = index;
// enable preview
_convertctrl.PreviewVisible = true;
_convertctrl.Preview = true;
// set the target output file
_convertctrl.TargetFile = outFile;
// subscribe to the key events
_convertctrl.KeyPress += KeyPress_Helper;
// convert it now!
catch (Exception)
_result = false;
// we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
// but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
while (_convertctrl.State == ConvertState.Running || _convertctrl.State == ConvertState.Paused)
// clean up event handlers
_convertctrl.KeyPress -= KeyPress_Helper;
void KeyPress_Helper(object sender, Leadtools.MediaFoundation.KeyPressEventArgs e)
switch ((char)e.keyAscii)
case 'p':
// toggle pausing
if(_convertctrl.State == ConvertState.Running)
else if(_convertctrl.State == ConvertState.Paused)
case 'f':
// toggle full screen mode
case 's':
// stop the conversion
// set result
_result = true;
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string MediaDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Media";
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