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public int AudioFrequency { get; }
property int AudioFrequency {
int get();
A value which represents the tuned audio frequency.
Gets the tuned audio frequency, in Hertz, for the currently selected channel. For more detailed information, refer to the Microsoft documentation for IAMTVTuner.get_AudioFrequency.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.MediaFoundation;
using LeadtoolsMediaFoundationExamples.Fixtures;
public bool _result = false;
public CaptureCtrlForm _form = new CaptureCtrlForm();
public void AnalogTVTunerExample()
// reference the forms capture control and tv tuner
CaptureCtrl capturectrl = _form.CaptureCtrl;
string outFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "TVTuner_AnalogTVTunerExample.wmv");
int testChan = 6;
int channel;
// select the first device with analog in it's name
// Replace "Analog" with your video capture device name
if (capturectrl.VideoDevices["Analog"] == null)
throw new Exception("No Analog video devices available!");
capturectrl.VideoDevices["Analog"].Selected = true;
// get the TV Tuner device
TVTuner tvtuner = capturectrl.TVTuner;
// Check if TV tuner is valid
if (tvtuner != null)
// set the input type to cable and set the channel
tvtuner.SetInputType(0, TunerInputType.Cable);
tvtuner.SetChannel(testChan, -1, -1);
// get the Video and Audio frequency
int vidFreq = tvtuner.VideoFrequency;
int audFreq = tvtuner.AudioFrequency;
// set the output file
capturectrl.TargetFile = outFile;
// check if we have can capture video
if (capturectrl.IsModeAvailable(CaptureMode.VideoAndAudio))
// set the target format
capturectrl.TargetFormat = TargetFormatType.WMV;
capturectrl.TimeLimit = 10; // just 10 seconds of capture time
capturectrl.UseTimeLimit = true;
// select the video subtype
capturectrl.VideoCaptureSubTypes[Constants.MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2].Selected = true;
// start the capture
// we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
// but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
while (capturectrl.State == CaptureState.Running)
// if TV tuner is valid
if (tvtuner != null)
// check the channel
channel = tvtuner.Channel;
// and set the result to what we expect
_result = (channel == testChan);
catch (Exception)
_result = false;
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string MediaDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Media";
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