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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools ImageProcessing Color enumerations.


Enumeration Description
Enumeration AdaptiveContrastCommandType Enumeration flags that identify the adjustment method.
Enumeration AddCommandType Enumeration flags that identify the operation to perform.
Enumeration AddWeightedCommandType Enumeration flags that identify the operation to perform.
Enumeration ApplyMathematicalLogicCommandFlags Enumeration flags that identify the channel that will be used, the treatment of the input pixel values, the mathematical operation, and the treatment of the output pixel values.
Enumeration AutoColorLevelCommandFlags Enumeration flags that identify whether the method will process the image.
Enumeration AutoColorLevelCommandType Enumeration flags that identify the type of leveling to perform.
Enumeration ColorLevelCommandFlags Enumeration flags that identify the channel being leveled.
Enumeration ColorMergeCommandType The type of separation that was used to create the grayscale images.
Enumeration ColorSeparateCommandType The type of separation that was used to create the grayscale images.
Enumeration ColorThresholdCommandFlags Flags that represent the treatment of the values within the threshold range, the treatment of a pixel that falls on the threshold and new values for rejected values.These flags have a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Enumeration ColorThresholdCommandType Color space on which the threshold is based.
Enumeration GammaCorrectExtendedCommandType Enumeration that indicates the color space in which to apply the Gamma correction.
Enumeration GrayScaleToDuotoneCommandMixingType This enumeration will contain all Types needed to indicate which color space is selected.
Enumeration GrayScaleToMultitoneCommandDistributionType Flag that indicates the source of the colors to be added to the image.
Enumeration GrayScaleToMultitoneCommandToneType Flag that indicates the number of colors to add to the grayscale image.
Enumeration HistogramCommandFlags Flags that indicate which channel to use.
Enumeration HistogramEqualizeType This enumeration will contain all types needed to indicate which color space is selected.
Enumeration IntensityDetectCommandFlags Flag that indicates the channel to process.This flag has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Enumeration LightControlCommandType Indicates which color space to remap.
Enumeration MathematicalFunctionCommandType Value that indicates the function used by the MathematicalFunctionCommand class object.
Enumeration RemapIntensityCommandFlags Flags that indicate the color plane to update, whether to change the high bit and whether the LookupTable contains normal or stretched data.
Enumeration SampleTargetCommandFlags Enumerated values that indicate the channel for which to shift the color, and how to remap the other values for that channel.This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Enumeration SegmentCommandFlags This enumeration indicates the color space used in the segmentation.
Enumeration SelectiveCommandColorTypes This enumerated type serves as an index into an array of SelectiveColorCommandData classes. The class at the index contains information on the corresponding color.
Enumeration SwapColorsCommandType Enumerated values that indicate which color channels to swap.
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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color Assembly
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