
The DISPCELLPROPERTIES structure contains the options for controlling the behavior of the container's cells.


typedef struct tagDISPCELLPROPERTIES 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT64 uMask; 
   L_UINT64 uMask1; 
   L_UINT uShowRuler; 
   L_UINT uShowTags; 
   L_UINT uNumRows; 
   L_UINT uNumCols; 
   L_BOOL bOnMove; 
   L_BOOL bIndividual; 
   L_BOOL bIsFit; 
   float fLeftTopX; 
   float fLeftTopY; 
   float fRightBottomX; 
   float fRightBottomY; 
   L_INT nOverlapPriority; 
   COLORREF crBackground; 
   COLORREF crText; 
   COLORREF crShadow; 
   COLORREF crRulerIn; 
   COLORREF crRulerout; 
   COLORREF crActiveBorderColor; 
   COLORREF crNonActiveBorderColor; 
   COLORREF crActiveSubCellBorderColor; 
   HCURSOR hDefaultCursor; 
   HCURSOR hAnnMoveCursor; 
   HCURSOR hAnnSelectCursor; 
   HCURSOR hAnnDefaultCursor; 
   HCURSOR hRegionDefaultCursor; 
   L_UINT uRulerStyle; 
   L_BOOL bShowFreezeText; 
   L_UINT uBorderStyle; 
   L_UINT uTextQuality; 
   L_UINT uPaintingMethod; 
   L_BOOL bShowCellScroll; 
   L_UINT uOverlayTextSize; 
   COLORREF crRegionBorderColor1; 
   COLORREF crRegionBorderColor2; 
   L_BOOL bInteractiveInterpolation; 
   L_TCHAR * szDesignText; 
   HENHMETAFILE hDesignImage; 
   L_BOOL bDisableControlPoints; 



Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.


Set of flags that specify which members of this structure contain data to be set or which members are being requested. This member can have one or more of the following flags set:

Value Meaning
DCCELLPF_ALL [0x7FFFFFFFF] All members are valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_SHOWRULER [0x00000001] The uShowRuler member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_SHOWTAGS [0x00000002] The uShowTags member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_ROW [0x00000004] The uNumRows member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_COLS [0x00000008] The uNumCols member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_APPLYONMOVE [0x00000010] The bOneMove member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_ALLOWINDIVIDUALWINDOWLEVEL [0x00000020] The bIndividual member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_IMAGE_FIT [0x00000040] The bIsFit member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_BACKGROUNDCOLOR [0x10000000] The crBackGround member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_TEXTCOLOR [0x00000200]  The crText member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_SHADOWCOLOR [0x00000400] The crShadow member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_RULERINCOLOR [0x00000800] The crRulerIn member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_RULEROUTCOLOR [0x00001000] The rcRulerOut member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_ACTIVEBORDERCOLOR [0x00002000] The crActiveBorderColor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_NONACTIVEBORDERCOLOR [0x00004000] The crNonActiveBorderColor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_ACTIVESUBCELLBORDERCOLOR [0x00008000] The crActiveSubCellBorderColor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_DEFAULTCURSOR [0x20000000] The hDefaultCursor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_ANNDEFCURSOR [0x00010000] The hAnnDefaultCursor is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_ANNMOVCURSOR [0x00020000] The hAnnMoveCursor is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_ANNSELCURSOR [0x00040000] The hAnnSelectCursor is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_RGNDEFCURSOR [0x00080000] The hRegionDefaultCursor is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_SHOWFREEZETEXT [0x80000000] The bShowFreezText is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_BORDERSTYLE [0x40000000] The uBorderStyle member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_TEXTQUALITY [0x00100000] The uTextQuality member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_RULERSTYLE [0x00200000] The uRulerStyle member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_PAINTMETHOD [0x00400000] The uPaintingMethod member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_SHOWCELLSCROLL [0x08000000] The bShowCellScroll member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_OVERLAYTEXTSIZE [0x00800000] The uOverlayTextSize member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_REGIONCOLOR1 [0x01000000] The crRegionBorderColor1 member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_REGIONCOLOR2 [0x02000000] The crRegionBorderColor2 member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_INTERACTIVEINTERPOLATION [0x04000000] The bInteractiveInterpolation member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_LOCATION [0x00000080]  The fLeftTopX, fLeftTopY, fRightBottomX, and fRightBottomY members are valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_OVERLAPPRIORITY [0x00000100] The nOverlapPriority member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_DESIGNTEXT [0x100000000] The szDesignText member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_DESIGNIMAGE [0x200000000] The hDesignImage member is valid or must be filled in.
DCCELLPF_DISABLECONTROLPOINTS [0x400000000] This flag hides the annotation control points, which are the 8 squares that lie on edges and sides of the annotation object. Those control points allow the user to resize the annotation object.


Additional value that indicates which members contains valid data for setting, or which members should be updated.


Flags that indicate which ruler to display. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DCCELLPF_SHOWRULER_NONE [0x00000000] Display no ruler.
DCCELLPF_SHOWRULER_BOTH [0x00000001] Display the horizontal and vertical rulers. This is the default value.
DCCELLPF_SHOWRULER_VERT [0x00000002] Display the vertical ruler.
DCCELLPF_SHOWRULER_HORZ [0x00000003] Display the horizontal ruler.


Flag that indicates whether to display the tags. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DCCELLPF_SHOWTAGS_SHOW [0x00000000] Show tags. This is the default value.
DCCELLPF_SHOWTAGS_HIDE [0x00000001] Hide tags.


Number of rows within the cell. The default value is 1.


Number of columns within the cell. The default value is 1.


Flag that indicates whether the action is applied when the user drags the mouse. This parameter is ignored if bIndividual is TRUE. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Apply the action when the user drags the mouse.
FALSE Apply the action after the user releases the mouse button. This is the default value.


A Boolean flag that indicates whether the window level and alpha actions will be applied on each sub image separately. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Apply the window level and alpha actions on each sub image separately.
FALSE Apply the window level and alpha actions on every image in the list, after it has been applied to one image on the list. This is the default value.


A Boolean flag that indicates whether the image is scaled to fit the window size. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE The image is scaled to fit the window size.
FALSE The image is displayed at its normal size. This is the default value.


Specifies the left top x position of a viewer cell when the control is not in grid mode.


Specifies the left top y position of a viewer cell when the control is not in grid mode.


Specifies the right bottom x position of a viewer cell when the control is not in grid mode.


Specifies the right top y position of a viewer cell when the control is not in grid mode.


Specifies the z-order position of cells in the viewer when the control is in grid mode.  This is only valid if DISPCONTAINERPROPERTIES.bAllowOverlapCells is TRUE.  The lower the number the higher the cell is in z-order.


Background color to display in non-empty cells. The default color is black.


Text color. The default color is white.


Shadows color. The default color is black.


Ruler-in color. The default color is white.


Ruler-out color. The default color is blue.


Color of the border used to designate a selected cell. The default color is RGB(255, 192, 0).


Color of the border used to designate an unselected cell. The default color is white.


Color of the border used to designate a selected sub cell. The default color is yellow.


Default cursor for the container. The default value is IDC_ARROW.


Default cursor that appears when hovering over the selected annotation body.


Default cursor that appears when hovering over the unselected annotation body.


Default cursor that appears when hovering over the handles of the selected annotation object.


Default cursor that appears as the user drags the mouse to create the region.


Flag that indicates the method used to draw the images. Possible values are:


Flag that indicates the style of the rulers in the cells of the container. Possible values are:


Flag that indicates whether to display the word "Freeze" on frozen cells. Possible values are:


Flags that determine the style of the border. Possible values are:


Flags that determine the quality of the text and whether it is anti-aliased. Possible values are:


Flag that indicates whether to display the cell scroll that is used to scroll through the cell frames. Possible value are:


The size of the overlay tags that appears of the cell sides. Setting this value to any number will cause the text has a static size regardless of the cell being resized. If the user set this value to 0, the control will follow the old behavior and the cell tags will be resized based on the cell current size. The default value is 0.


The first Color of the region marching ants. The default color is RGB(255, 0, 0).


The second Color of the region marching ants. The default color is RGB(0, 0, 0).


Flag that indicates whether to use the interactive interpolation technique when using one of the image viewer UI tools. Possible value are:


Specifies the text to be displayed in the layout rectangle when the MedicalViewerControl is in layout design mode.


Specifies image to be displayed in the layout rectangle when the MedicalViewerControl is in layout design mode.


Flag that indicates whether to show or hide the control point of the annotation. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Show the annotation control points.
FALSE Hides the annotation control points.


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