

Gets the window level default values that are set when loading the image.


#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LImageViewer::GetDefaultWindowLevelValues(nCellIndex, nSubCellIndex, pnWidth, pnCenter, uFlags)


L_INT nCellIndex

A zero based index of the cell contains the image to retrieve its default window level values.

L_INT nSubCellIndex

A zero-based index into the image list attached to the cell. This image contains the default window level values being retrieved. Pass -2 to retrieves the default window level values of the selected sub-cell.

L_INT *pnWidth

Address of the variable to be updated with the default window level width value.

L_INT *pnCenter

Address of the variable to be updated with the default window level center value.

L_UINT uFlags

Flags that determine whether to apply the feature on one or more cells. This value can only be used when the cell is attached to the LImageViewer through the function LImageViewer::InsertCell. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
CELL_APPLYTOTHIS [0x00000000] Apply the feature to this cell only.
CELL_APPLYTOALL [0x10000000] Apply the feature to all the cells in the Image Viewer.
CELL_APPLYTOSELECTED [0x20000000] Apply the feature to the selected cells in the Image Viewer.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


The default values can be set using either by using LImageViewerCell::SetDefaultWindowLevelValues or can be internally calculated when the images are first set in the control using either LImageViewerCell::SetCellBitmapList or LImageViewerCell::SetRequestedImage (when the low memory usage feature is enabled). For more information about the low memory usage feature, refer to the function LImageViewerCell::EnableCellLowMemoryUsage.

To get the current window level values call LImageViewerCell::GetActionProperties.

To set the current window level values call LImageViewerCell::SetActionProperties.

To reset the window level values to the default values use the function LImageViewerCell::ResetWindowLevelValues.

Required DLLs and Libraries


See Also



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