#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_VOID pEXT_CALLBACK YourFunction(uFlag, nCtlID, pUserData)

The callback function that will be called to provide the appropriate help information, based on the dialog from which help was requested.


L_UINT32 uFlag

Identifies the origin of the help command message. Possible values are:

Constant Meaning
DLG_HELP_OPEN [1] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen.
DLG_HELP_SAVE [2] Help command message coming from L_DlgSave
DLG_HELP_COLORRES [3] Help command message coming from L_DlgColorRes
DLG_HELP_RESIZE [4] Help command message coming from L_DlgResize
DLG_HELP_INTENSITYDETECT [5] Help command message coming from L_DlgIntensityDetect
DLG_HELP_GAMMAADJUSTMENT [6] Help command message coming from L_DlgGammaAdjustment
DLG_HELP_ADDNOISE [7] Help command message coming from L_DlgAddNoise
DLG_HELP_GETEFFECT [8] Help command message coming from L_DlgGetEffect
DLG_HELP_GETSHAPE [9] Help command message coming from L_DlgGetShape
DLG_HELP_GETTEXT [10] Help command message coming from L_DlgGetText
DLG_HELP_GETGRADIENT [11] Help command message coming from L_DlgGetGradient
DLG_HELP_GETTRANSITION [12] Help command message coming from L_DlgGetTransition
DLG_HELP_GETDIRECTORY [13] Help command message coming from L_DlgGetDirectory
DLG_HELP_CONTOURFILTER [14] Help command message coming from L_DlgContourFilter
DLG_HELP_HALFTONE [15] Help command message coming from L_DlgHalftone
DLG_HELP_J2KOPTIONS [16] Help command message coming from L_DlgSave and L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_FILEINFO [17] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen and L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_SOLARIZE [18] Help command message coming from L_DlgSolarize
DLG_HELP_BRIGHTNESS [19] Help command message coming from L_DlgBrightness
DLG_HELP_CONTRAST [20] Help command message coming from L_DlgContrast
DLG_HELP_HUE [21] Help command message coming from L_DlgHue
DLG_HELP_SATURATION [22] Help command message coming from L_DlgSaturation
DLG_HELP_POSTERIZE [24] Help command message coming from L_DlgPosterize
DLG_HELP_HISTOCONTRAST [25] Help command message coming from L_DlgHistoContrast
DLG_HELP_AVERAGE [26] Help command message coming from L_DlgAverage
DLG_HELP_MEDIAN [27] Help command message coming from L_DlgMedian
DLG_HELP_MAXFILTER [28] Help command message coming from L_DlgMaxFilter
DLG_HELP_MINFILTER [29] Help command message coming from L_DlgMinFilter
DLG_HELP_SHARPEN [30] Help command message coming from L_DlgSharpen
DLG_HELP_SHIFTDIFFERENCEFILTER [31] Help command message coming from L_DlgShiftDifferenceFilter
DLG_HELP_EMBOSS [32] Help command message coming from L_DlgEmboss
DLG_HELP_OILIFY [33] Help command message coming from L_DlgOilify
DLG_HELP_MOSAIC [34] Help command message coming from L_DlgMosaic
DLG_HELP_EROSIONFILTER [35] Help command message coming from L_DlgErosionFilter
DLG_HELP_DILATIONFILTER [36] Help command message coming from L_DlgDilationFilter
DLG_HELP_GRADIENTFILTER [37] Help command message coming from L_DlgGradientFilter
DLG_HELP_LAPLACIANFILTER [38] Help command message coming from L_DlgLaplacianFilter
DLG_HELP_SOBELFILTER [39] Help command message coming from L_DlgSobelFilter
DLG_HELP_PREWITTFILTER [40] Help command message coming from L_DlgPrewittFilter
DLG_HELP_LINESEGMENTFILTER [41] Help command message coming from L_DlgLineSegmentFilter
DLG_HELP_ROTATE [42] Help command message coming from L_DlgRotate
DLG_HELP_SHEAR [43] Help command message coming from L_DlgShear
DLG_HELP_LOADOPTIONS_VECTOR [44] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen
DLG_HELP_LOADOPTIONS_RASTER [45] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen
DLG_HELP_LOADOPTIONS_PDF [46] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen
DLG_HELP_LOADOPTIONS_GENERAL [47] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen
DLG_HELP_SMOOTH [48] Help command message coming from L_DlgSmooth
DLG_HELP_LINEREMOVE [49] Help command message coming from L_DlgLineRemove
DLG_HELP_BORDERREMOVE [50] Help command message coming from L_DlgBorderRemove
DLG_HELP_INVERTEDTEXT [51] Help command message coming from L_DlgInvertedText
DLG_HELP_DOTREMOVE [52] Help command message coming from L_DlgDotRemove
DLG_HELP_HOLEPUNCHREMOVE [53] Help command message coming from L_DlgHolePunchRemove
DLG_HELP_COLOR [54] Help command message coming from L_DlgColor
DLG_HELP_CANVASRESIZE [55] Help command message coming from L_DlgCanvasResize
DLG_HELP_ADDFRAME [56] Help command message coming from L_DlgAddFrame
DLG_HELP_FILESASSOCIATION [57] Help command message coming from L_DlgFilesAssociation
DLG_HELP_GIFWEBTUNER [58] Help command message coming from L_DlgGIFWebTuner
DLG_HELP_ADDBORDER [59] Help command message coming from L_DlgAddBorder
DLG_HELP_HTMLMAPPER [60] Help command message coming from L_DlgHTMLMapper
DLG_HELP_JPEGWEBTUNER [62] Help command message coming from L_DlgJPEGWebTuner
DLG_HELP_PNGWEBTUNER [63] Help command message coming from L_DlgPNGWebTuner
DLG_HELP_CUSTOMIZEPALETTE [64] Help command message coming from L_DlgCustomizePalette
DLG_HELP_PICTURIZE [65] Help command message coming from L_DlgPicturize
DLG_HELP_UNDERLAY [66] Help command message coming from L_DlgUnderlay
DLG_HELP_AUTOTRIM [67] Help command message coming from L_DlgAutoTrim
DLG_HELP_GAUSSIANBLUR [68] Help command message coming from L_DlgGaussianBlur
DLG_HELP_UNSHARPMASK [69] Help command message coming from L_DlgUnsharpMask
DLG_HELP_ANTIALIAS [70] Help command message coming from L_DlgAntiAlias
DLG_HELP_EDGEDETECTOR [71] Help command message coming from L_DlgEdgeDetector
DLG_HELP_MOTIONBLUR [72] Help command message coming from L_DlgMotionBlur
DLG_HELP_GRAYSCALE [73] Help command message coming from L_DlgGrayScale
DLG_HELP_COLOREDGRAY [74] Help command message coming from L_DlgColoredGray
DLG_HELP_HISTOGRAM [75] Help command message coming from L_DlgHistogram
DLG_HELP_MULTIPLY [76] Help command message coming from L_DlgMultiply
DLG_HELP_LOCALHISTOEQUALIZE [78] Help command message coming from L_DlgLocalHistoEqualize
DLG_HELP_BALANCECOLORS [79] Help command message coming from L_DlgBalanceColors
DLG_HELP_ADDBITMAPS [80] Help command message coming from L_DlgAddBitmaps
DLG_HELP_PRINTPREVIEW [81] Help command message coming from L_DlgPrintStitchedImages
DLG_HELP_REMAPINTENSITY [82] Help command message coming from L_DlgRemapIntensity
DLG_HELP_REMAPHUE [83] Help command message coming from L_DlgRemapHue
DLG_HELP_FREEHANDWAVE [84] Help command message coming from L_DlgFreeHandWave
DLG_HELP_WIND [85] Help command message coming from L_DlgWind
DLG_HELP_IMPRESSIONIST [86] Help command message coming from L_DlgImpressionist
DLG_HELP_CYLINDRICAL [87] Help command message coming from L_DlgCylindrical
DLG_HELP_POLAR [88] Help command message coming from L_DlgPolar
DLG_HELP_PIXELATE [89] Help command message coming from L_DlgPixelate
DLG_HELP_STITCH [90] Help command message coming from L_DlgStitch
DLG_HELP_STITCH_TILE [91] Help command message coming from L_DlgStitch
DLG_HELP_STITCH_ATTRIBUTES [92] Help command message coming from L_DlgStitch
DLG_HELP_ZOOMWAVE [93] Help command message coming from L_DlgZoomWave
DLG_HELP_RADIALWAVE [94] Help command message coming from L_DlgRadialWave
DLG_HELP_RIPPLE [95] Help command message coming from L_DlgRipple
DLG_HELP_PUNCH [96] Help command message coming from L_DlgPunch
DLG_HELP_BENDING [97] Help command message coming from L_DlgBending
DLG_HELP_SPHERIZE [98] Help command message coming from L_DlgSpherize
DLG_HELP_SWIRL [99] Help command message coming from L_DlgSwirl
DLG_HELP_RADIALBLUR [100] Help command message coming from L_DlgRadialBlur
DLG_HELP_ZOOMBLUR [101] Help command message coming from L_DlgZoomBlur
DLG_HELP_WAVE [102] Help command message coming from L_DlgWave
DLG_HELP_WAVESHEAR [103] Help command message coming from L_DlgWaveShear
DLG_HELP_FILECONVERSION [104] Help command message coming from L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_FILESAVEOPTIONS [105] Help command message coming from L_DlgFileConversion and L_DlgSave
DLG_HELP_FILELOADOPTIONS [106] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen
DLG_HELP_FILECONVERSION_LOGREPORT [107] Help command message coming from L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_PRINTPREVIEW_PREFERENCES [108] Help command message coming from L_DlgPrintStitchedImages
DLG_HELP_PRINTSTITCHEDIMAGES [109] Help command message coming from L_DlgPrintStitchedImages
DLG_HELP_PRINTSTITCHEDIMAGES_DELETEPAGES [110] Help command message coming from L_DlgPrintStitchedImages
DLG_HELP_PRINTSTITCHEDIMAGES_INSERTPAGES [111] Help command message coming from L_DlgPrintStitchedImages
DLG_HELP_PRINT [112] Help command message coming from L_DlgPrintStitchedImages
DLG_HELP_PAGESETUP [113] Help command message coming from L_DlgPrintStitchedImages
DLG_HELP_FILECONVERSION_PROGRESS [114] Help command message coming from L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_FILECONVERSION_ADDPROGRESS [115] Help command message coming from L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_NAMINGTEMPLATE [116] Help command message coming from L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_RENAME [117] Help command message coming from L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_FILECONVERSION_ROTATE [118] Help command message coming from L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_FILECONVERSION_RESIZE [119] Help command message coming from L_DlgFileConversion
DLG_HELP_WINDOWLEVEL [120] Help command message coming from L_DlgWindowLevel
DLG_HELP_JBIG2OPTIONS [121] Help command message coming from L_DlgSave and L_DlgFileConversion.
DLG_HELP_ICCPROFILE [122] Help command message coming from L_DlgICCProfile.
DLG_HELP_LOADOPTIONS_XPS [123] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen.
DLG_HELP_J2KROIOPTIONS [124] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen.
DLG_HELP_LOADOPTIONS_XLS [125] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen.
DLG_HELP_LOADOPTIONS_RASTERIZEDOCUMENT [126] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen.
DLG_HELP_LOADOPTIONS_VFF [127] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen.
DLG_HELP_LOADOPTIONS_ANZ [128] Help command message coming from L_DlgOpen.


ID of the control that received the context sensitive help click. A value of -1 refers to the Help Button itself. For a list of other possible values, refer to the DLGRESID.H file in the LEAD \ INCLUDE directory.

L_VOID *pUserData

A void pointer that you can use to access a variable or structure containing data that your callback function needs. This gives you a way to receive data indirectly from the function that uses this callback function. (This is the same pointer that you pass in the pUserData parameter of the calling function.)

Keep in mind that this is a void pointer, which must be cast to the appropriate data type within your callback function.


This callback function is optional. It is necessary only if you wish to provide help information for individual dialogs. The exact nature of the help provided is up to you, but must be outlined in this callback function. In order to implement help for a dialog box, a pointer to this HelpCallback Function must be passed to the specific dialog function. By passing this pointer, a Help button is shown in the dialog.



Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also




For an example, refer to L_DlgSetFont.

Help Version 21.0.2021.7.2
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LEADTOOLS Common Dialog C API Help
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© 1991-2021 LEAD Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.