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AnnHatchStyle Enumeration


Enumeration listing the different hatch patterns available for the AnnHatchBrush brush.

public enum AnnHatchStyle 
Public Enum AnnHatchStyle 
public enum class AnnHatchStyle sealed 
public enum AnnHatchStyle 
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, LTAnnHatchStyle) 
0 Horizontal

A pattern of horizontal lines.

1 Vertical

A pattern of vertical lines.

2 ForwardDiagonal

A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper left to lower right.

3 BackwardDiagonal

A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper right to lower left.

4 Cross

Specifies horizontal and vertical lines that cross.

5 DiagonalCross

A pattern of crisscross diagonal lines.

6 Percent05

Specifies a 5-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 5:95.

7 Percent10

Specifies a 10-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 10:90.

8 Percent20

Specifies a 20-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 20:80.

9 Percent25

Specifies a 25-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 25:75.

10 Percent30

Specifies a 30-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 30:70.

11 Percent40

Specifies a 40-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 40:60.

12 Percent50

Specifies a 50-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 50:50.

13 Percent60

Specifies a 60-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 60:40.

14 Percent70

Specifies a 70-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 70:30.

15 Percent75

Specifies a 75-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 75:25.

16 Percent80

Specifies a 80-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 80:20.

17 Percent90

Specifies a 90-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 90:10.


The AnnHatchStyle enumeration lists the values used by AnnHatchBrush.HatchStyle.

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