public class AnnTextPointerObject : AnnTextObject
Public Class AnnTextPointerObject
Inherits AnnTextObject
Implements IAnnObjectCloneable
@interface LTAnnTextPointerObject : LTAnnTextObject<NSCoding,NSCopying>
public class AnnTextPointerObject extends AnnTextObject
ref class AnnTextPointerObject : AnnTextObject
The text pointer annotation object extends the AnnTextObject class by providing an extra line that starts from one of the four corners of the bounding rectangle, around the text. The other endpoint of the line can be moved to point to anything on the underlying image. This extra endpoint may or may not be fixed, depending on the FixedPointer value.
Programmatically, the boundaries and location of the text pointer object can be controlled using the following properties:
The AnnTextPointerObject class inherits a number of properties from the AnnObject class, providing support for font, stroke and fill characteristics. These properties are listed below:
The AnnTextPointerObject inherits a number of text properties from the AnnTextObject class that provide support for text alignment, margins, etc. These properties are listed below:
The name of the text pointer object can be controlled using Labels property, inherited from the AnnObject class.
Each object can be transformed with the following methods:
The following properties can also be used to programmatically set characteristics of an AnnTextPointerObject:
This example creates a text pointer object and adds it to the automation container.
using Leadtools.Annotations.Automation;
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Annotations.WinForms;
public void AnnCore_AnnTextPointerObject()
// assumes _automation is valid
double inch = 720.0;
// Add a text pointer object
AnnTextPointerObject textPointerObj = new AnnTextPointerObject();
// Set the points for the hotspot
textPointerObj.Points.Add(LeadPointD.Create(1 * inch, 1 * inch));
textPointerObj.Points.Add(LeadPointD.Create(2 * inch, 1 * inch));
textPointerObj.Points.Add(LeadPointD.Create(2 * inch, 2 * inch));
textPointerObj.Points.Add(LeadPointD.Create(1 * inch, 2 * inch));
// Set the text
textPointerObj.Text = "sample text for object\nsecond line of text\nlast line";
// Set the pointer
textPointerObj.FixedPointer = false;
textPointerObj.PointerPosition = LeadPointD.Create(4 * inch, 5 * inch);
// Add the object to the automation container
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