For a list of all members of this type, see ImageViewer members
Public Properties
Name | Description | |
activeItem | Active item of this image viewer. | |
activeItemBackgroundColor | Active item background color. | |
activeItemBorderColor | Active item border color. | |
allowDrop | Indicates whether the viewer can accept data that the user drags onto it. | |
aspectRatioCorrection | Manual aspect ratio correction value. | |
autoCreateCanvas | Indicates whether to automatically create the HTML5 Canvas Element when the image is updated. | |
autoResetOptions | Determines which display properties to reset when a new image is set into the viewer (when in single item mode). | |
autoScrollDiv | Auto Scroll HTML Div Element. | |
backImage | Optional background element to be displayed in the viewer (single item mode). | |
backImageLoadImageUrlMode | Specifies how an image should be loaded when this item is provided a URL (single item mode). | |
backImageUrl | URL to the optional background image to displayed in the viewer (single item mode). | |
canRender | Gets a value that indicate if the ImageViewer will render the content when changes are made to the control's properties or to the items. | |
canTransform | Gets a value that indicate if the ImageViewer will update the transformation matrices and view layout when changes are made to the control's properties or to the items. | |
canvas | HTML5 Canvas Element to be displayed in the viewer (single item mode). | |
clipImageToContent | Indicates whether to clip the image outside the content area if ResizeOnTransform was set to false. | |
controlSize | Control size. | |
defaultInteractiveMode | Default interactive mode. | |
defaultZoomOrigin | Origin of the default zoom point for current horizontal and vertical alignment, in control pixel coordinates. | |
dropCopyKeyState | Modifier key used to initiate a copy drop operation. | |
dropLinkKeyState | Modifier key used to initiate a link drop operation. | |
dropMoveKeyState | Modifier key used to initiate a move drop operation. | |
element | The HTML or SVG Element to be displayed in the viewer (single item mode). | |
enableRequestAnimationFrame | Indicates whether the ImageViewer should use HTML5 requestAnimationFrame when renderingthe image. |
eraseBackgroundOnInvalidate | Indicates whether the ImageViewer will clear the foreground canvas prior to rendering. | |
eventCanvas | The Background HTML5 Canvas Element. | |
flip | Flip the view vertically. | |
flipImageElement | Flip the image vertically without the border. | |
floater | Floater image (single item mode). | |
floaterOpacity | Opacity used when rendering the floaters in this ImageViewer. | |
floaterRegionRenderMode | Indicates how floater regions are rendered. | |
floaterTransform | Transformation matrix used by the floater image (single item mode). | |
foreCanvas | The Foreground HTML5 Canvas Element. | |
hasImage | Gets a value that indicate if the viewer currently has an image (single item mode). | |
hasItems | Gets a value that indicate whether this viewer has any items. | |
hasSize | Whether or not the ControlSize has a valid size. | |
hitTestStateInteractiveMode | The ImageViewerInteractiveMode that is currently in a hit-test state. | |
hoveredItemBackgroundColor | Hovered items background color. | |
hoveredItemBorderColor | Hovered items border color. | |
idleInteractiveMode | The ImageViewerInteractiveMode that is currently acting as the first idle mode. | |
image | The HTML Image Element to be displayed in the viewer (single item mode). | |
imageBackgroundColor | Images background color. | |
imageBorderColor | Images border color. | |
imageBorderThickness | Images border thickness. | |
imageBounds | Physical position and size of the image in the viewer (single item mode). | |
imageDropShadow | The Image's drop shadow properties. | |
imageHorizontalAlignment | Specifies how to align the images inside their items horizontally. | |
imageProcessingLibrariesPath | Path to the image processing library script files. | |
imageRegionRenderMode | Indicates how image regions are rendered. | |
imageResolution | Resolution in dots/inch (or DPI) of the image (single item mode). | |
imageScale | Optional scale value to use when rendering the images (single item mode). | |
imagesDiv | Internally used for loading SVG documents with embedded images. | |
imageSize | Size of the image in the viewer (single item mode). | |
imageTransform | Current transformation matrix used for displaying the image (single item mode). | |
imageUrl | URL to the image to display in the viewer (single item mode). | |
imageVerticalAlignment | Specifies how to align the images inside their items vertically. | |
interactiveModes | The list of interactive modes in this ImageViewer. | |
interactiveService | The InteractiveService for this viewer control. | |
interpolationMode | Interpolation mode used by this ImageViewer. | |
interpolationRunMode | Interpolation run mode used by this ImageViewer. | |
invert | Indicates whether to invert the item images. | |
isRenderRedirected | Gets a value that indicate whether the current rendering operation is targeting an external device rather the control itself. | |
isSyncSource | Indicates that this image viewer can act as a sync source. | |
isSyncTarget | Indicates that this image viewer can act as a sync target. | |
isTransitionsEnabled | Detect if the image viewer is in a state where CSS transition detection is enabled. | |
itemBackgroundColor | Default items background color. | |
itemBorderColor | Default items border color. | |
itemBorderThickness | Items border thickness. | |
itemHorizontalAlignment | Specifies how to align the items inside the view horizontally. | |
itemMargin | Margins to use between the view and the items. | |
itemPadding | Padding to use between the items border and the content. | |
items | The collection of items in this ImageViewer. | |
itemSize | Default item size. | |
itemSizeMode | Indicates how the images are displayed inside their items. | |
itemSpacing | Spacing to use between neighboring items. | |
itemTextColor | Default items text color. | |
itemTextFont | Items text font. | |
itemTextTrimming | Items text trimming options. | |
itemTextWrap | Indicates whether the items text should automatically wrap to the next line if needed. | |
itemVerticalAlignment | Specifies how to align the items inside the view vertically. | |
loadImageUrlMode | Specifies how an image should be loaded when this item is provided a URL (single item mode). | |
mainDiv | Main HTML Div Element. | |
maximumScaleFactor | Maximum scale factor allowed. | |
maximumScrollSize | Current maximum scroll size allowed. | |
minimumScaleFactor | Minimum scale factor allowed. | |
name | User-defined name associated with the ImageViewer instance. | |
ownerDraw | Indicates whether the control automatically renders the view and items. | |
passthroughDiv | An HTML Div Element used for assistance with pointer events capture. | |
resizeElementForView | Indicates whether to resize the item element instead of scaling it for the view. | |
resizeOnTransform | Indicates whether the viewer should change the size of the scrolling area when an item is transformed. | |
restrictScroll | Indicates whether scrolling or panning the view outside the maximum range is allowed. | |
reverse | Reverse the view horizontally. | |
reverseImageElement | Reverse the image horizontally without the border. | |
rotateAngle | Value of the rotation angle to use when displaying the view. | |
scaleFactor | Value of the scale factor for the view display. | |
screenDpi | Current screen resolution in dots per inch (or DPI). | |
scrollMode | Determines how the control handles scrollbars when the current transformation results in the view area being larger than the control. | |
scrollOffset | Scroll offset value. | |
selectedItemBackgroundColor | Selected items background color. | |
selectedItemBorderColor | Selected items border color. | |
selectedItemTextColor | Selected items text color. | |
sizeMode | Gets a value that determines how the control displays the view and adjusts the display automatically. | |
syncId | Gets the sync ID of this image viewer. | |
tag | Object that contains data about the control. | |
textHorizontalAlignment | Specifies how to align the text inside their items horizontally. | |
textVerticalAlignment | Specifies how to align the text inside their items vertically. | |
updateShadowOnRotation | Deprecated. Indicates whether to update the CSS values for the box-shadow property of each item border element. | |
useDpi | Indicates whether the control must account for the physical resolution of the images when calculating the display properties. | |
useElements | Checks if the viewer is using the Elements Mode. | |
viewBorderColor | View border color. | |
viewBorderThickness | View border thickness. | |
viewBounds | Current view bounds. | |
viewDiv | Holds the item elements and shows the viewer's view margin, view padding, view border, and view box shadow. | |
viewDivHolder | Parent of the image viewer ImageViewer.ViewDiv. | |
viewDropShadow | View drop shadow properties. | |
viewHorizontalAlignment | Specifies how to align the view inside the control horizontally. | |
viewLayout | The view layout used by this ImageViewer. | |
viewMargin | Margins to use between the control boundary and the view. | |
viewPadding | Padding to use between the view border and the items. | |
viewSize | Current view size in pixels. | |
viewTransform | Current transformation matrix of the view. | |
viewVerticalAlignment | Specifies how to align the view inside the control vertically. | |
workingInteractiveMode | The ImageViewerInteractiveMode that is currently processing the input events (working). | |
xScaleFactor | Value of the horizontal scale factor for the view display. | |
yScaleFactor | Value of the vertical scale factor for the view display. |
See Also