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ImageViewerItem Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see ImageViewerItem members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property autoCreateCanvas Indicates whether to automatically create an HTML5 Canvas Element when the image is updated.
Public Property backImage Optional background element associated with this item.
Public Property backImageElement HTML element for the back image in this item.
Public Property backImageLoadUrlMode Specifies how an image should be loaded when this item is provided a URL.
Public Property backImageUrl Optional URL to the background of this item.
Public Property canvas The HTML5 Canvas Element associated with this item.
Public Property canvasScale Value used to scale the current HTML5 Canvas Element.
Public Property clipImageToContent Indicates whether to clip the image outside the item content area if ResizeOnTransform was set to false.
Public Property columnIndex Column index.
Public Property defaultZoomOrigin Default zoom origin of this item.
Public Property element The HTML or SVG Element associated with this item.
Public Property flip Flip the image inside this item vertically (upside-down)
Public Property flipImageElement Flip the image in this item vertically without the border.
Public Property floater Floater image of this item.
Public Property floaterOpacity Opacity used when rendering the floater of this item.
Public Property floaterSize Used internally by LEADTOOLS.
Public Property floaterTransform Transformation matrix used by the floater image of this item.
Public Property hasFloater Gets a value that indicate whether this item has a floater.
Public Property hasImage Gets a value that indicate whether this item has an image.
Public Property hasVisibleFloater Gets a value that determine of this item has a floater that is available as well as visible.
Public Property image HTML Image Element associated with this item.
Public Property imageBorderElement HTML element for the border of the image in this item.
Public Property imageClippingElement HTML element for the clipping of the image in this item.
Public Property imageElement HTML element for the image in this item.
Public Property imageFlipElement HTML element for the flipping the image in this item.
Public Property imageHorizontalAlignment Specifies how to align the image inside this item horizontally.
Public Property imageScale Optional scale value to use when rendering the images of this item.
Public Property imageSize Image size of this item, in pixels.
Public Property imageVerticalAlignment Specifies how to align the image inside this item vertically.
Public Property imageViewer Owner ImageViewer instance.
Public Property isEnabled Indicates if this item is enabled.
Public Property isHovered Indicates whether the item is in a hovered state.
Public Property isSelected Indicates whether the item is in a selected state.
Public Property isVisible Indicates if this item is visible.
Public Property itemElement Root HTML element for this item.
Public Property loadUrlMode Specifies how an image should be loaded when this item is provided a URL.
Public Property offset Translate the image of the item horizontally and vertically.
Public Property origin Origin of the item.
Public Property resizeElementForView Indicates whether to resize the item element instead of scaling it for the view.
Public Property resizeOnTransform Indicates whether the item size should change when then item is transformed.
Public Property resolution Resolution of the item, in dots per inch (DPI).
Public Property reverse Reverse (mirror) the image inside this item horizontally
Public Property reverseImageElement Reverse the image in this item horizontally without the border.
Public Property rotateAngle Rotate the image in this item around its center at any angle
Public Property rowIndex Row index.
Public Property scale Scale the image of the item horizontally and vertically.
Public Property scaleFactor Current factor used to scale the image in the item.
Public Property scaleFactors Current X and Y factor used to scale the image in the item.
Public Property size Size of the item.
Public Property sizeMode Gets a value that indicate how the image is displayed inside this items.
Public Property tag Optional user defined data associated with this item.
Public Property text Text string associated with this item.
Public Property textElement HTML element for the text / caption in this item.
Public Property textHorizontalAlignment Specifies how to align the text inside the item horizontally.
Public Property textVerticalAlignment Specifies how to align the text inside the item vertically.
Public Property transform Transformation of the item.
Public Property url URL of image data associated with this item.

See Also


ImageViewerItem Class

Leadtools.Controls Namespace

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