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ImageViewerInteractiveMode Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ImageViewerInteractiveMode.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor static  | Shared in VB ImageViewerInteractiveMode Initializes a new instance of ImageViewerInteractiveMode.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method canStartWork Gets a value that indicates whether the mode can start work.
Public Method canWorkOnItem Gets a value that indicate whether this mode can work on a given item.
Public Method getItemWorkBounds Get the work bounds of an item.
Public Method getWorkBounds Current work bounds for this mode.
Public Method onWorkCompleted Indicates that this mode has completed working and raises the WorkCompleted event.
Public Method onWorkStarted Indicates that this mode has started working and raises the WorkStarted event.
Public Method start Starts the mode.
Public Method stop Stops the mode.
Public Method toString Returns the user friendly name of this mode.
Public Method updateAutoItem Updates the Item property.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property autoDisableTransitions Automatically disable CSS transitions while this mode is working.
Public Property autoItemMode Indicates how the mode updates the Item property.
Public Property hitTestState Indicates this mode's hit-test state.
Public Property hitTestStateCursor Mouse cursor to use for the hit-test state of this ImageViewerInteractiveMode.
Public Property id Unique ID of this mode.
Public Property idleCursor Mouse cursor to use for the idle state of this ImageViewerInteractiveMode
Public Property imageViewer Image Viewer for this mode.
Public Property interactiveService Interactive service for this mode.
Public Property isDragMouseWheelEnabled Indicates whether this mode accepts drag events originated using the mouse wheel.
Public Property isEnabled Indicates of this mode is currently enabled and can work.
Public Property isStarted Gets a value that indicate if this mode has started.
Public Property isWorking Gets a value that indicates whether this mode is working.
Public Property item Item that the mode will use as the work source.
Public Property itemPart Item part that this mode will use when working.
Public Property mouseButtons Mouse button(s) associated with this mode.
Public Property name User friendly name of this mode.
Public Property tag User defined data for this ImageViewerInteractiveMode
Public Property workingCursor Mouse cursor to use for the working state of this ImageViewerInteractiveMode.
Public Property workOnBounds Indicates whether this mode will only work if the original click or touch was in a specified bounding area.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event static  | Shared in VB workCompleted Occurs when this mode completes the work.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB workStarted Occurs when this mode starts working.

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field static  | Shared in VB activeItemModeId ImageViewerActiveItemInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB addRegionModeId ImageViewerAddRegionInteractiveMode ID. For future use.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB autoPanModeId ImageViewerAutoPanInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB centerAtModeId ImageViewerCenterAtInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB dragModeId ImageViewerDragInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB floaterModeId ImageViewerFloaterInteractiveMode
Public Field static  | Shared in VB magnifyGlassModeId ImageViewerMagnifyGlassInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB noneModeId ImageViewerNoneInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB pagerModeId ImageViewerPagerInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB panZoomModeId ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB rubberBandModeId ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB selectItemsModeId ImageViewerSelectItemsInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB spyGlassModeId ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB userModeId Start of user interactive modes ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB zoomAtModeId ImageViewerZoomAtInteractiveMode ID.
Public Field static  | Shared in VB zoomToModeId ImageViewerZoomToInteractiveMode ID.

See Also


ImageViewerInteractiveMode Class

Leadtools.Controls Namespace

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