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OtherPatientNamesRow Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by OtherPatientNamesRow.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method IsFamilyNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the FamilyNameColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsGivenNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the GivenNameColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsMiddleNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the MiddleNameColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsNamePrefixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the NamePrefixColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsNameSuffixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the NameSuffixColumn contains a null value.
Public Method SetFamilyNameNull Sets the value of the FamilyNameColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetGivenNameNull Sets the value of the GivenNameColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetMiddleNameNull Sets the value of the MiddleNameColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetNamePrefixNull Sets the value of the NamePrefixColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetNameSuffixNull Sets the value of the NameSuffixColumn to a null value.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property FamilyName Gets or sets the Family Name.
Public Property GivenName Gets or sets the Given Name.
Public Property MiddleName Gets or sets the Middle Name.
Public Property NamePrefix Gets or sets the Name Prefix.
Public Property NameSuffix Gets or sets the Name Suffix.
Public Property OrderNumber Gets or sets the Order Number.
Public Property PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
Public Property PatientRow Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this OtherPatientNamesRow

See Also


OtherPatientNamesRow Class

Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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