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SeriesDataTable Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see SeriesDataTable members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property BodyPartExaminedColumn Gets the Body Part Examined Column.
Public Property Count Gets the total number of SeriesRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Public Property InstitutionNameColumn Gets the Institution Name Column.
Public Property Item Gets the SeriesRow at the specified index.
Public Property LateralityColumn Gets the Laterality Column.
Public Property ModalityColumn Gets the Modality Column.
Public Property PerformedProcedureStartDateColumn Gets the Performed Procedure Start Date Column.
Public Property PerformedProcedureStepIDColumn Gets the Performed Procedure Step ID Column.
Public Property ProtocolNameColumn Gets the Protocol Name Column.
Public Property ReceiveDateColumn Gets the Receive Date Column.
Public Property RetrieveAETitleColumn Gets the Retrieve AE Title Column.
Public Property SeriesDateColumn Gets the Series Date Column.
Public Property SeriesDescriptionColumn Gets the Series Description Column.
Public Property SeriesInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Series Instance UID Column.
Public Property SeriesNumberColumn Gets the Series Number Column.
Public Property StudyInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Study Instance UID Column.

See Also


SeriesDataTable Class

Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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