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ProcedureCodeSequenceRow Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ProcedureCodeSequenceRow.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method IsCodeMeaningNull Gets a value that indicates whether the CodeMeaningColumn contains a null value.
Public Method IsCodingSchemaVersionNull Gets a value that indicates whether the CodingSchemaVersionColumn contains a null value.
Public Method SetCodeMeaningNull Sets the value of the CodeMeaningColumn to a null value.
Public Method SetCodingSchemaVersionNull Sets the value of the CodingSchemaVersionColumn to a null value.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property CodeMeaning Gets or sets the Code Meaning.
Public Property CodeValue Gets or sets the Code Value.
Public Property CodingSchemaDesignator Gets or sets the Coding Schema Designator.
Public Property CodingSchemaVersion Gets or sets the Coding Schema Version.
Public Property StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the Study Instance UID.
Public Property StudyRow Gets or sets the parent StudyRow for this ProcedureCodeSequenceRow

See Also


ProcedureCodeSequenceRow Class

Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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