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InvertedTextCommandEventArgs Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by InvertedTextCommandEventArgs.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor InvertedTextCommandEventArgs Initializes a new InvertedTextCommand class object with explicit parameters.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property BlackCount Gets the total number of black pixels in the inverted text region being processed.
Public Property BoundingRectangle Gets a rectangular structure that contains the bounding rectangle of the inverted text region being processed.
Public Property Image Gets an RasterImage object that references the affected image.
Public Property Region Gets a LEADTOOLS RasterRegion representing the inverted text to be removed. Dispose of this region when it is no longer needed.
Public Property Status Gets or sets the status of the inverted text process.
Public Property WhiteCount Gets the total number of white pixels in the inverted text region being processed.

See Also


InvertedTextCommandEventArgs Class

Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Namespace

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