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LeadZoneTableData Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by LeadZoneTableData.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor LeadZoneTableData Initializes a new LeadZoneTableData with default parameters.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property BoundsToDraw (Read only) Gets the drawing boundaries.
Public Property Cells Gets the IList<LeadRect> that contains a list of table cell locations.
Public Property CellTextTypes (Read only) Gets the orientation type of text inside the table's cell.
Public Property CellTypes Gets the list of LeadZoneType structures that represents the type of cell.
Public Property Columns Gets or sets the number of columns in the table zone.
Public Property InsideCells Gets a list of LeadRect information of all cells that are inside this table's cells.
Public Property Rows Gets or sets the number of rows in the table zone.

See Also


LeadZoneTableData Class

Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Namespace

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