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UpdateDataArray Method

Updates the Data array to reflect the latest changes.
public void UpdateDataArray() 
void UpdateDataArray();  
def UpdateDataArray(self): 

At some point, after adding and deleting tags, the Data array will not reflect the latest changes. Call this method to update it.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.ColorConversion; 
public IccDateTimeTagType FillDateTimeTagType() 
   // get the current system data 
   System.DateTime sysDateTime = System.DateTime.Now; 
   // create a new iccDateTime class 
   IccDateTime iccDateTime = new IccDateTime((ushort)sysDateTime.Year, 
   // define the tag type 
   IccDateTimeTagType iccDateTimeTagType = new IccDateTimeTagType(iccDateTime); 
   return iccDateTimeTagType; 
public IccXyzTagType FillIccXyzTagType() 
   // define the array of XYZ numbers 
   IccXyzNumber[] data = new IccXyzNumber[1]; 
   data[0] = new IccXyzNumber( 
   // define the tag type 
   IccXyzTagType xyzTagType = new IccXyzTagType(data); 
   return xyzTagType; 
public void IccProfileExtendedExample() 
   // define the IccProfileExtended Class 
   IccProfileExtended iccProfile = new IccProfileExtended(); 
   // define the IccHeader class 
   IccHeader header = IccHeader.Empty; 
   // filling the ICC header 
   // note that the Illuminant, ProfileSignature, and Version are filled  
   // with the default values in the IccProfile.Empty property, 
   // and they shouldn't be changed unless the user knows what he is doing 
   // the rest of the fields are the user's responsibility 
   // except for the ProfileID which will be filled automatically upon the call 
   // for the method IccProfile.GenerateProfileId, but this method must be called at the 
   // end when the ICC Profile is completely prepared. 
   // Finally, the Size field will be filled automatically by the different ICC methods, 
   // and it shouldn't be changed unless the user knows what he is doing. 
   header.CmmID = 0x6170706C;     // any CMM ID 
   header.DeviceClass = IccProfileClassType.DeviceLinkClass; 
   header.ColorSpace = IccColorspaceType.LabData; 
   header.Pcs = IccColorspaceType.LabData; 
   header.ProfileSignature = 0x61637370;   // any profile signature 
   header.Platform = IccPlatformSignatureType.MacintoshSignature; 
   header.Flags = IccProfileFlags.None; 
   header.Manufacturer = 0x46464549;       // any manufacturer 
   header.Model = 0x0;   // any model 
   header.Attributes = IccProfileMediaFlags.ColorMedia; 
   header.RenderingIntent = IccRenderingIntentType.AbsoluteColorimetric; 
   header.Creator = 0x46464549;   // any creator 
   // set the system date/time as the date/time of the Icc Profile 
   System.DateTime sysDateTime = System.DateTime.Now; 
   IccDateTime iccDateTime = new IccDateTime((ushort)sysDateTime.Year, 
   header.DateTime = iccDateTime; 
   iccProfile.Header = header; 
   // create all the tags you want 
   // 1- mediaBlackPointTag (needs XYZ tag type) 
   IccXyzTagType xyzTagType = FillIccXyzTagType(); 
   // then insert it into the profile 
   iccProfile.AddTag(xyzTagType, IccTag.MediaBlackPointTag, IccTagTypeBase.XyzTypeSignature); 
   // 2- calibrationDateTimeTag 
   IccDateTimeTagType dateTimeTagType = FillDateTimeTagType(); 
   iccProfile.AddTag(dateTimeTagType, IccTag.CalibrationDateTimeTag, IccTagTypeBase.DateTimeTypeSignature); 
   // 3- and so on... 
   // to get the tag type signature of any tag in the profile, 
   int tagTypeSignature = iccProfile.GetTagTypeSignature(IccTag.MediaBlackPointTag); 
   // to delete one of the two tags 
   xyzTagType = (IccXyzTagType)iccProfile.DeleteTag(IccTag.MediaBlackPointTag); 
   // to get the calibrationDateTimeTag 
   dateTimeTagType = (IccDateTimeTagType)iccProfile.GetTag(IccTag.CalibrationDateTimeTag); 
   // at the end, generate the profileID. For the time being, it will be filled with 0's 
   // finally generate the new Icc Profile by updating the Data Array 
   // and then generating the file 
   string IccfileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "IccProfileExtendedCS.icc"); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images"; 

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