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Leadtools.ColorConversion Structures


Overview and description of Leadtools ColorConversion structures.


Structure Description
Structure ConversionCmykParameters Provides information about CMYK conversion properties.
Structure ConversionLabParameters Provides information about CIELab conversion properties.
Structure ConversionWhitePoint Specifies the spectrum of the white color.
Structure ConversionYuvParameters Provides information about YUV conversion properties.
Structure IccChannelCoordinates Contains CIE xy coordinate values of device channels to be used in the IccChromaticity structure.
Structure IccChromaticity Contains CIE xy coordinate values of device channels to be used in the chromaticityType tag type.
Structure IccColorantTableData Contains CIE xy coordinate values of device channels to be used in the colorantTableDataType tag type.
Structure IccCurve Contains the curve data.
Structure IccCurveStructure Contains data of a curve structure that is used in the responseCurveSet16Type tag type.
Structure IccData Contains either 7-bit ASCII or binary data for the dataType tag type.
Structure IccDateTime Contains date/time information to be used in the calibrationDateTime tag.
Structure IccHeader Contains all the information and data about an ICC profile header.
Structure IccLookupTable16 Contains data to be used in the lut16Type tag type.
Structure IccLookupTable8 Contains data to be used in the lut8Type tag type.
Structure IccMatrix Contains matrix elements to be used in the lutAToBType and lutBToAType tag types.
Structure IccMeasurement Contains data to be used in the measurementType tag type.
Structure IccMultiLocalizedUnicode Contains the name record data used in the multiLocalizedUnicodeType tag type.
Structure IccNamedColor2 Provides color coordinates for 7-bit ASCII color names. Contains data to be used in the namedColor2Type tag type.
Structure IccNamedColor2Data Contains data to be used in the IccNamedColor2 structure.
Structure IccNameRecord Contains the name record data used in the IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType structure.
Structure IccParametricCurve Describes a one-dimentional curve by specifying one of a predefined set of methods using the parameters. Contains data to be used in the parametricCurveType tag type.
Structure IccProfileDescription Contains profile description data used in the IccProfileSequenceDescription structure.
Structure IccProfileSequenceDescription Contains an array of profile descriptions used for the profileSequenceDescType tag type.
Structure IccResponse16Number Contains an 8 byte value, used to associate normalized device code with a measurement value.
Structure IccResponseArrays Provides a mechanism to relate physical colorant amounts with normalized device codecs produced by lut8Type, lut16Type or lutBToAType tags.
Structure IccResponseCurve Contains the response curve data that is used in the responseCurveSet16Type tag type.
Structure IccTag Contains the tag's information.
Structure IccTagList Contains a list of all the tags in the ICC profile.
Structure IccViewCondition Contains viewing conditions data assumed for the media for which the profile is defined.
Structure IccXyzNumber Contains three fixed signed quantities used to encode CIEXYZ tristimulus values.
Help Version 22.0.2023.3.31
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Leadtools.ColorConversion Assembly
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