Leadtools.Dicom.Common Getting Started


.NET Framework
Java on Windows


Redistributables Paths

Path Target Platform
<installdir>\Bin\net .NET 6+
Assembly - Class/Namespace Comments
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Extensions Provides extension methods that make working with DicomDatasets easier.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Editing Provides a property-grid-based control that makes it easier to edit DicomDatasets.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Editing.UI Provides UI editors that work with the DICOM editing property grid.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.DataTypes Provides common .NET classes and enumerations that work with the Get/Set Extensions.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Attributes Provides attributes that make working with DICOM communication easier.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Anonymization Provides classes that support the anonymization of DICOM data sets.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Compare Provides classes, methods, properties, and enumerations that allow two DICOM data sets to be compared.


Library Description Dependencies
Leadtools.Dicom.dll Provides the main functionality for dealing with data sets. It includes methods for creating, initializing, loading and saving data sets. In addition, there are methods and properties that allow you to do the following: Leadtools.dll
Maneuver through a data set.  
 • Search a data set.  
 • Insert or delete data set members.  
 • Retrieve or set data element values.  
 • Get or set information about the entire data set.  
 • Convert values.  
 • Insert and extract DICOM Annotations.  
NuGet PackageDescription
Leadtools.Dicom.Pacs.Scp DICOM PACS Service Class Provider Library
Leadtools.Dicom.Pacs.Scu DICOM PACS Service Class User Library
Leadtools.Medical.Viewer.WinForms Medical Viewer Library for WinForms

Sample Programs

Demo Name Source Code Path Description
DICOM Directory \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomDirCLIDemo\net

Demonstrates DICOM directory capabilities.

  • Creates a DICOM directory for all DICOM files in the source directory
  • Displays the contents of the DICOM directory in a tree view
  • Preview the pixel data for IMAGE elements in the selected DICOM file
Demo Name Source Code Path Description
DICOM Echo \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomEchoCLIDemo\net

Demonstrates DICOM C-ECHO SCU capabilities by connecting to a DICOM SCP and sending a C-ECHO command.

Demo Name Source Code Path Description
DICOM Find \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomFindCLIDemo\net

Demonstrates DICOM C-FIND SCU capabilities by connecting to a DICOM SCP and sending a C-FIND command.

Demo Name Source Code Path Description
DICOM Import \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomImportCLIDemo\net

Demonstrates importing DICOM files into the example database.

Use this demo to import DICOM files into the example database that is used by the DicomServer demo.

Demo Name Source Code Path Description
DICOM Server \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomServerCLIDemo\net

Demonstrates implementation of a DICOM storage server.

  • Implements C-FIND, C-MOVE, C-STORE, C-ECHO.
  • Allows client to connect, associate, query, and retrieve.
  • Stores DICOM files in a local database.
  • Import files directly into the database using the DicomImport example.
Demo Name Source Code Path Description
DICOM Tag \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomTagCLIDemo\net

Demonstrates basic DICOM Dataset toolkit capabilities.

Demo Name Source Code Path Description
DICOM Transfer Syntax \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\TransferSyntaxCLIDemo\net

Demonstrates how to change the transfer syntax of a DICOM file using LEADTOOLS.

For more information about "Transfer Syntax", please see Section 10 (PS 3.5 of the DICOM Standard).

.NET Framework

Redistributables Paths

Path Target Platform
<installdir>\Bin\DotNet4\Win32 x86 .NET 4 or 4.5
<installdir>\Bin\DotNet4\x64 x64 .NET 4 or 4.5
Assembly - Class/Namespace Comments
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Extensions Provides extension methods that make working with DicomDatasets easier.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Editing Provides a property-grid-based control that makes it easier to edit DicomDatasets.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Editing.UI Provides UI editors that work with the DICOM editing property grid.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.DataTypes Provides common .NET classes and enumerations that work with the Get/Set Extensions.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Attributes Provides attributes that make working with DICOM communication easier.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Anonymization Provides classes that support the anonymization of DICOM data sets.
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.dll - Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Compare Provides classes, methods, properties, and enumerations that allow two DICOM data sets to be compared.


Library Description Dependencies
Leadtools.Dicom.dll Provides the main functionality for dealing with data sets. It includes methods for creating, initializing, loading and saving data sets. In addition, there are methods and properties that allow you to do the following: Leadtools.dll
Maneuver through a data set.  
 • Search a data set.  
 • Insert or delete data set members.  
 • Retrieve or set data element values.  
 • Get or set information about the entire data set.  
 • Convert values.  
 • Insert and extract DICOM Annotations.  
NuGet PackageDescription
Leadtools.Dicom.Pacs.Scp DICOM PACS Service Class Provider Library
Leadtools.Dicom.Pacs.Scu DICOM PACS Service Class User Library
Leadtools.Medical.Viewer.WinForms Medical Viewer Library for WinForms

Sample Programs

Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Annotations \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomAnnDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomAnnDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates the DICOM Annotations Toolkit functionality.

  • Add annotations to a DICOM image
  • Save annotations into a DICOM dataset
  • Load annotation from a DICOM dataset
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
Dicom Anonymizer \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomAnonymizerDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomAnonymizerDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates the DICOM Anonymizer functionality.

  • Anonymize any DICOM Dataset
  • Editor shows differences between original an anonymized values
  • Can create, save, and load scripts to customized the anonymization process
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Client \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomClientDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomClientDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates implementation of a DICOM client.

  • Connect to a query an existing DICOM server (PACS)
  • Implements DICOM C-STORE SCU
  • Implements DICOM C-MOVE SCU
  • Implements DICOM C-FIND SCU
  • Implements DICOM C-ECHO SCU
  • Demonstrates connect, associate, query, and retrieve
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Dataset \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates basic DICOM Dataset toolkit capabilities.

  • Create, Open, Save, Edit DICOM datasets
  • Export/Import DICOM datasets as XML
  • Perform image processing
  • View and Edit DICOM Tables (VR, UID, Tag, IOD, Context Groups)
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Digital Signature \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomDigitalSignatureDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomDigitalSignatureDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates basic DICOM digital signature capabilities.

  • Generates digital signatures in the main data set
  • Verifies all the digital signatures in the entire data set
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Directory \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomDirectoryDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomDirectoryDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates DICOM directory capabilities.

  • Creates a DICOM directory for all DICOM files in the source directory
  • Displays the contents of the DICOM directory in a tree view
  • Preview the pixel data for IMAGE elements in the selected DICOM file
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Directory LINQ \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomDirLinqDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomDirLinqDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates using the LEADTOOLS DICOMDIR LINQ Provider to query a DICOM directory.

  • Load a DICOM directory
  • Displays the contents of the DICOM directory in a tree view
  • Preview the pixel data for IMAGE elements in the selected DICOM file
  • Perform Patient, Study, Image, Series queries
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Dataset Editor \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomEditorDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomEditorDemo_Original.exe

Provides a full featured DICOM dataset editor with pixel data image viewer.

  • Loads, displays and edits DICOM elements
  • Loads and display pixel data from DICOM dataset
  • Add, delete, modify DICOM tags
  • Save as new DICOM dataset
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM MWL SCP \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomMwlScpDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomMwlScpDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates implementing a DICOM Modality Worklist SCP application to add, edit, and delete worklist entries.

Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM MWL SCU \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomMwlScuDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomMwlScuDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates creating a DICOM Modality Worklist SCU example that will query a MWL SCP for a worklist and copy data from the MWL response attributed to the requested IOD class.

Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Overlay \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomOverlayDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomOverlayDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates loading and displaying DICOM overlays.

  • Loads and display pixel data from DICOM dataset
  • Loads overlay data from DICOM dataset
  • Toggle display of overlay data
  • Insert overlay data
  • Save as new DICOM dataset
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Server \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomServerDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomServerDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates implementation of a DICOM storage server.

  • Implements DICOM C-STORE SCP
  • Implements DICOM C-MOVE SCP
  • Implements DICOM C-FIND SCP
  • Implements DICOM C-ECHO SCP
  • Stores DICOM files in a local database
  • Allows client AE's to connect, associate, query, and retrieve
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Storage SCU \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomStoreDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomStoreDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates implementation of a DICOM storage client (SCU).

  • Implements DICOM C-STORE SCU
  • Stores DICOM files to a PACS (DICOM Storage Server)
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Transfer Syntax \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomTranDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomTranDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates how to change the transfer syntax of a DICOM file using LEADTOOLS.

For more information about "Transfer Syntax", please see Section 10 (PS 3.5 of the DICOM Standard).

Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM Video Capture \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomVideoCaptureDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomVideoCaptureDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates how to capture video and store it inside a DICOM file

Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
DICOM WaveForms \Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomWaveFormsDemo\fx \Bin\DotNet4\<Win32/x64>\DicomWaveformsDemo_Original.exe

Demonstrates how to use the waveform audio data to build a graph visualizing the audio waves and can also play back audio dictations within DICOM datasets.

Java on Windows

Redistributables Paths

Path Target Platform
<installdir>\Bin\CDLL\Win32 (Windows) x86 Windows
<installdir>\Bin\CDLL\x64 (Windows) x64 Windows


Library Description Jars Native Libraries
leadtools.dicom.jar Java Archive library providing the main functionality for dealing with data sets. leadtools.jar Windows:

Sample Programs

Demo Name Source Code Path Description
DICOM Viewer (Android) \Examples\Dicom\Android\DatasetDemo

Demonstrates DICOM viewing functionality.

Loads multi-page DICOM files and displays pages in sequence.

See Also



Getting Started (Guide to Example Programs)

Assembly Overview

Getting Started - All Topics

Version History

Leadtools.Dicom.Common Assembly Changes

Help Version 22.0.2023.1.30
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Leadtools.Dicom.Common Assembly
Products | Support | Contact Us | Intellectual Property Notices
© 1991-2023 LEAD Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.