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ItalicStyle Property

Consider italic font style for the selected font while creating bookmark in the PDF document.
public bool ItalicStyle { get; set; } 
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL italicStyle; 
public boolean getItalicStyle() 
public void setItalicStyle(boolean italicStyle) 
property bool ItalicStyle { 
   bool get(); 
   void set (    bool ); 
ItalicStyle # get and set (PdfAutoBookmark) 

Property Value

true to consider only italic font for the selected font type and size while creating bookmark in the PDF document; false, otherwise. The default value is false.


When BoldStyle is true, only italic fonts will be considered for creation the bookmark in the PDF document.

using Leadtools.Document.Writer; 
using Leadtools.Ocr; 
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
public void PdfDocumentOptionsExample() 
   var inputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "test.docx"); 
   var outputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Example.pdf"); 
   // Setup a new RasterCodecs object 
   var codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.Resolution = 300; 
   // Get the number of pages in the input document 
   var pageCount = codecs.GetTotalPages(inputFileName); 
   // Create a new instance of the LEADTOOLS Document Writer 
   var docWriter = new DocumentWriter(); 
   // Change the PDF options 
   var pdfOptions = docWriter.GetOptions(DocumentFormat.Pdf) as PdfDocumentOptions; 
   pdfOptions.DocumentType = PdfDocumentType.Pdf; 
   pdfOptions.FontEmbedMode = DocumentFontEmbedMode.None; 
   pdfOptions.ImageOverText = false; 
   pdfOptions.Linearized = false; 
   pdfOptions.Title = "Add your title here"; 
   pdfOptions.Subject = "Add your subject here"; 
   pdfOptions.Keywords = "Add your keywords here"; 
   pdfOptions.Author = "Add author name here"; 
   pdfOptions.Protected = true; 
   pdfOptions.UserPassword = "User password"; 
   pdfOptions.OwnerPassword = "Owner password"; 
   pdfOptions.EncryptionMode = PdfDocumentEncryptionMode.RC128Bit; 
   pdfOptions.PrintEnabled = false; 
   pdfOptions.HighQualityPrintEnabled = true; 
   pdfOptions.CopyEnabled = false; 
   pdfOptions.EditEnabled = true; 
   pdfOptions.AnnotationsEnabled = true; 
   pdfOptions.AssemblyEnabled = false; 
   pdfOptions.OneBitImageCompression = OneBitImageCompressionType.Flate; 
   pdfOptions.ColoredImageCompression = ColoredImageCompressionType.FlateJpeg; 
   pdfOptions.QualityFactor = 2; 
   // Use default resolution 
   pdfOptions.DocumentResolution = 0; 
   pdfOptions.PageRestriction = DocumentPageRestriction.Relaxed; 
   // Setup empty page size (Letter size) 
   pdfOptions.EmptyPageWidth = 8.5; 
   pdfOptions.EmptyPageHeight = 11; 
   pdfOptions.EmptyPageResolution = 300; 
   docWriter.SetOptions(DocumentFormat.Pdf, pdfOptions); 
   // Create a new PDF document 
   Debug.WriteLine("Creating new PDF document: {0}", outputFileName); 
   docWriter.BeginDocument(outputFileName, DocumentFormat.Pdf); 
   // Loop through all the pages 
   for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= pageCount; pageNumber++) 
      // Get the page as SVG 
      Debug.WriteLine("Loading page {0}", pageNumber); 
      var page = new DocumentWriterSvgPage(); 
      page.SvgDocument = codecs.LoadSvg(inputFileName, pageNumber, null); 
      // Add the page 
      Debug.WriteLine("Adding page {0}", pageNumber); 
   // Finally finish writing the PDF file on disk 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images"; 

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