public bool ImageOverText {get; set;}
true to use a raster image overlay on top of the resulting PDF document; otherwise, false. The default value is false.
PdfDocumentOptions.ImageOverText is used when creating a searchable PDF document that is required to look the same as the original. When true, an image of the original file will be saved over the entire PDF document as an overlay. When using the resulting document in a PDF viewer, you can still search the text underneath the overlay image and still maintain the look of the original document.
The DocumentWriter.AddPage method and the DocumentWriterPage structure provide more information on how to create a PDF file that uses overlay images.
Use the ImageOverTextSize property to control the quality of the overlay image.
Use the ImageOverTextMode property to control if and how grayscale images are treated in the final document.
Use CodecsPdfLoadOptions.DropImageOverText to control whether the overlay image is dropped when loading the PDF page as a raster or an SVG image.
using Leadtools.Document.Writer;
using Leadtools.Ocr;
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
public void PdfDocumentOptionsExample()
var inputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "test.docx");
var outputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Example.pdf");
// Setup a new RasterCodecs object
var codecs = new RasterCodecs();
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.Resolution = 300;
// Get the number of pages in the input document
var pageCount = codecs.GetTotalPages(inputFileName);
// Create a new instance of the LEADTOOLS Document Writer
var docWriter = new DocumentWriter();
// Change the PDF options
var pdfOptions = docWriter.GetOptions(DocumentFormat.Pdf) as PdfDocumentOptions;
pdfOptions.DocumentType = PdfDocumentType.Pdf;
pdfOptions.FontEmbedMode = DocumentFontEmbedMode.None;
pdfOptions.ImageOverText = false;
pdfOptions.Linearized = false;
pdfOptions.Title = "Add your title here";
pdfOptions.Subject = "Add your subject here";
pdfOptions.Keywords = "Add your keywords here";
pdfOptions.Author = "Add author name here";
pdfOptions.Protected = true;
pdfOptions.UserPassword = "User password";
pdfOptions.OwnerPassword = "Owner password";
pdfOptions.EncryptionMode = PdfDocumentEncryptionMode.RC128Bit;
pdfOptions.PrintEnabled = false;
pdfOptions.HighQualityPrintEnabled = true;
pdfOptions.CopyEnabled = false;
pdfOptions.EditEnabled = true;
pdfOptions.AnnotationsEnabled = true;
pdfOptions.AssemblyEnabled = false;
pdfOptions.OneBitImageCompression = OneBitImageCompressionType.Flate;
pdfOptions.ColoredImageCompression = ColoredImageCompressionType.FlateJpeg;
pdfOptions.QualityFactor = 2;
// Use default resolution
pdfOptions.DocumentResolution = 0;
pdfOptions.PageRestriction = DocumentPageRestriction.Relaxed;
// Setup empty page size (Letter size)
pdfOptions.EmptyPageWidth = 8.5;
pdfOptions.EmptyPageHeight = 11;
pdfOptions.EmptyPageResolution = 300;
docWriter.SetOptions(DocumentFormat.Pdf, pdfOptions);
// Create a new PDF document
Debug.WriteLine("Creating new PDF document: {0}", outputFileName);
docWriter.BeginDocument(outputFileName, DocumentFormat.Pdf);
// Loop through all the pages
for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= pageCount; pageNumber++)
// Get the page as SVG
Debug.WriteLine("Loading page {0}", pageNumber);
var page = new DocumentWriterSvgPage();
page.SvgDocument = codecs.LoadSvg(inputFileName, pageNumber, null);
// Add the page
Debug.WriteLine("Adding page {0}", pageNumber);
// Finally finish writing the PDF file on disk
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";