ImageViewer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ImageViewer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor static  | Shared in VB ImageViewer Initializes a new ImageViewer

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method beginAutoSizeChanged Disable detecting if the viewer size has changed.
Public Method beginRender Stops the viewer from rendering the content if any change is applied. This is useful to increase the control's speed efficiency.
Public Method beginTransform Stops the viewer from updating the transformations matrices and updating the view layout. This is useful to increase the control's speed efficiency.
Public Method beginUpdate Stops the viewer from updating the transformations matrices, view layout and rendering the content if any change is applied. This is useful to increase the control's speed efficiency.
Public Method centerAtPoint Centers the view display at the specified point.
Public Method combineFloater Combines the floaters with the images for all items inside this ImageViewer.
Public Method convertBoundsToView Converts a rectangle value from logical (excluding the current transformation) to physical (in control pixel coordinates).
Public Method convertPoint Converts a LeadPointD from one coordinates to the other.
Public Method convertPoints Converts an array of LeadPointD from one coordinates to the other.
Public Method convertRect Converts a LeadRectD from one coordinates to the other.
Public Method convertTransform Converts a transformation matrix relative to one item to another.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB disableSync Temporarily disable syncing for a group while keeping the group itself intact.
Public Method disableTransitions Stops the viewer from updating the transformations matrices and view layout during CSS transitions.
Public Method dispose Destroys this ImageViewer and removes it from the page.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB enableSync Re-enable syncing for a group.
Public Method enableTransitions Enable updating the transformations matrices and view layout during CSS transitions.
Public Method endAutoSizeChanged Enables detecting if the viewer size has changed.
Public Method endRender Instruct the viewer that updates are completed and rendering of content can be resumed.
Public Method EndRenderItem Instructs the viewer that updates are completed and rendering of content can be resumed on the specified item.
Public Method endTransform Instruct the viewer that updates are completed and updating transformations and view layout can be resumed.
Public Method endUpdate Instruct the viewer that updates are completed and updating the transformations matrices, view layout and rendering of content can be resumed.
Public Method ensureBoundsVisible Ensures that the specified rectangle area is visible in the viewer.
Public Method ensureItemVisible Ensures that an item is visible in the viewer.
Public Method ensureItemVisibleByIndex Ensures that the item at the specified index is visible in the viewer.
Public Method findNearestItem Gets the item nearest to the specified physical (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
Public Method getAllVisibleItems Gets all the visible items in the viewer.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB getDestinationRectangle Utility method to adjust the given LeadRectD based on source size, size mode and alignment.
Public Method getFirstVisibleItem First visible item or part of it in the viewer.
Public Method getFirstVisibleItemIndex Index for the first visible item or part of it in the viewer.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB getImageProcessingFile Helper method to build the full name of an image processing JavaScript file.
Public Method getImageTransformWithDpi Transformation matrix of the image with or without DPI scaling (single item mode).
Public Method getItemBounds Current logical (excluding the current transformation) bounds of any part of an item.
Public Method getItemContentTransform Transformation matrix of the content of an item.
Public Method getItemFloaterSize Floater image size of an item.
Public Method getItemFloaterTransform Transformation matrix of the floater of an item.
Public Method getItemImageFloatingPointTransform Transformation matrix of the image of an item without rounded values.
Public Method getItemImageSize Image size of an item.
Public Method getItemImageTransform Transformation matrix of the image of an item.
Public Method getItemImageTransformScaleOnly Transformation matrix of the image of an item without translation and rotation.
Public Method getItemImageTransformWithDpi Transformation matrix of the image of an item with or without DPI scaling.
Public Method getItemTransform Transformation matrix of the whole item.
Public Method getItemViewBounds Current physical bounds (in control pixel coordinates) of any part of an item.
Public Method getLargestVisibleItem Largest visible item or part of it in the viewer.
Public Method getLargestVisibleItemIndex Index for the largest visible item or part of it in the viewer.
Public Method getLastVisibleItem Last visible item or part of it in the viewer.
Public Method getLastVisibleItemIndex Index for the last visible item or part of it in the viewer.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB getScaleFactors Utility method to calculate the scale factor needed to perform the specified size mode using a source and destination size.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB getSynced Returns a list of all ImageViewer instances that match the given sync.
Public Method getViewBounds Current bounds of the view in physical (in control pixel) coordinates.
Public Method gotoItem Scroll to the top-left of an item.
Public Method gotoItemByIndex Scrolls to the top-left of an item given by its index.
Public Method hitTestFloater First item that has its floater under a physical (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
Public Method hitTestItem First item that is under a physical point (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
Public Method hitTestItemPart Specific part of the item under a physical (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
Public Method hitTestItems Items that intersect with a rectangle in physical (in viewer pixel) coordinates.
Public Method invalidate Invalidates a portion of the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn.
Public Method invalidateItem Invalidate an item.
Public Method invalidateItemByIndex Invalidate the item at the specified index.
Public Method isItemVisible Gets a value that indicates whether the specified item or part is currently visible in the viewer.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB isSyncDisabled Determines if syncing for a group has been disabled.
Public Method onActiveItemChanged Raises the ActiveItemChanged event.
Public Method onAutoItemElementsAdded Raises the AutoItemElementsAdded event.
Public Method onAutoItemElementsRemoved Raises the AutoItemElementsRemoved event.
Public Method onElementsUpdated Raises the ElementsUpdated event.
Public Method onEraseBackground Raises the EraseBackground event.
Public Method onForeCanvasSizeChanged Raises the ForeCanvasSizeChanged event.
Public Method onItemChanged Raises the ItemChanged event.
Public Method onItemDragDrop Raises the ItemDragDrop event.
Public Method onItemError Raises the ItemError event.
Public Method onPostRender Raises the PostRender event.
Public Method onPostRenderItem Raises the PostRenderItem event.
Public Method onPreRender Raises the PreRender event.
Public Method onPreRenderItem Raises the PreRenderItem event.
Public Method onPropertyChanged Raises the PropertyChanged event.
Public Method onRedirectRender Raises the RedirectRender event.
Public Method onRender Raises the Render event.
Public Method onRenderBackground Raises the RenderBackground event.
Public Method onRenderBorder Raises the RenderBorder event.
Public Method onRenderError Raises the RenderError event.
Public Method onRenderImage Raises the RenderImage event.
Public Method onRenderItem Raises the RenderItem event.
Public Method onRenderItemFloater Raises the RenderItemFloater event.
Public Method onRenderItemFloaterRegion Raises the RenderItemFloaterRegion event.
Public Method onRenderItemRegion Raises the RenderItemRegion event.
Public Method onRenderShadow Raises the RenderShadow event.
Public Method onRenderText Raises the RenderText event.
Public Method onScrollOffsetChanged Raises the ScrollOffsetChanged event.
Public Method onSelectedItemsChanged Raises the SelectedItemsChanged event.
Public Method onSizeChanged Informs the control that the size of the container has changed.
Public Method onTransformChanged Raises the OnTransformChanged event.
Public Method processDragDropUrl Processes the image dropped on this ImageViewer during a drag/drop operation.
Public Method renderRedirect Renders the content of the viewer to an external context.
Public Method reset Resets the display properties to their default values (single item mode).
Public Method restrictScrollOffset Ensures a scroll position is inside the minimum and maximum scroll value currently allowed.
Public Method scrollBy Scrolls the viewer by the specified amount in pixels.
Public Method scrollByRestrict Scrolls the viewer by the specified amount in pixels while always restricting the value to the current minimum and maximum allowed.
Public Method setItemFloater Sets the floater for an item.
Public Method stopInertiaScroll Stops any inertia scroll operations.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB sync Establishes sync groups.
Public Method translateItemScaleFactor Translates an item horizontally or vertically a given amount of pixels, regardless of the current zoom value.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB unsync Removes a single viewer from the sync group.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB unsyncGroup Un-syncs all members of the sync group of the given sync ID.
Public Method updateStyles Informs the viewer that the CSS classes used have been changed.
Public Method updateTransform Re-calculates the transformation matrices and update the view layout.
Public Method zoom Zooms or changes the size mode of the view.
Public Method zoomToRect Zooms the view to the specified rectangle.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property activeItem Active item of this image viewer.
Public Property activeItemBackgroundColor Active item background color.
Public Property activeItemBorderColor Active item border color.
Public Property allowDrop Indicates whether the viewer can accept data that the user drags onto it.
Public Property aspectRatioCorrection Manual aspect ratio correction value.
Public Property autoCreateCanvas Indicates whether to automatically create the HTML5 Canvas Element when the image is updated.
Public Property autoResetOptions Determines which display properties to reset when a new image is set into the viewer (when in single item mode).
Public Property autoScrollDiv Auto Scroll HTML Div Element.
Public Property backImage Optional background element to be displayed in the viewer (single item mode).
Public Property backImageLoadImageUrlMode Specifies how an image should be loaded when this item is provided a URL (single item mode).
Public Property backImageUrl URL to the optional background image to displayed in the viewer (single item mode).
Public Property canRender Gets a value that indicate if the ImageViewer will render the content when changes are made to the control's properties or to the items.
Public Property canTransform Gets a value that indicate if the ImageViewer will update the transformation matrices and view layout when changes are made to the control's properties or to the items.
Public Property canvas HTML5 Canvas Element to be displayed in the viewer (single item mode).
Public Property clipImageToContent Indicates whether to clip the image outside the content area if ResizeOnTransform was set to false.
Public Property controlSize Control size.
Public Property defaultInteractiveMode Default interactive mode.
Public Property defaultZoomOrigin Origin of the default zoom point for current horizontal and vertical alignment, in control pixel coordinates.
Public Property dropCopyKeyState Modifier key used to initiate a copy drop operation.
Public Property dropLinkKeyState Modifier key used to initiate a link drop operation.
Public Property dropMoveKeyState Modifier key used to initiate a move drop operation.
Public Property element The HTML or SVG Element to be displayed in the viewer (single item mode).
Public Property enableRequestAnimationFrame Indicates whether the ImageViewer should use HTML5 requestAnimationFrame when renderingthe image.
Public Property eraseBackgroundOnInvalidate Indicates whether the ImageViewer will clear the foreground canvas prior to rendering.
Public Property eventCanvas The Background HTML5 Canvas Element.
Public Property flip Flip the view vertically.
Public Property flipImageElement Flip the image vertically without the border.
Public Property floater Floater image (single item mode).
Public Property floaterOpacity Opacity used when rendering the floaters in this ImageViewer.
Public Property floaterRegionRenderMode Indicates how floater regions are rendered.
Public Property floaterTransform Transformation matrix used by the floater image (single item mode).
Public Property foreCanvas The Foreground HTML5 Canvas Element.
Public Property hasImage Gets a value that indicate if the viewer currently has an image (single item mode).
Public Property hasItems Gets a value that indicate whether this viewer has any items.
Public Property hasSize Whether or not the ControlSize has a valid size.
Public Property hitTestStateInteractiveMode The ImageViewerInteractiveMode that is currently in a hit-test state.
Public Property hoveredItemBackgroundColor Hovered items background color.
Public Property hoveredItemBorderColor Hovered items border color.
Public Property idleInteractiveMode The ImageViewerInteractiveMode that is currently acting as the first idle mode.
Public Property image The HTML Image Element to be displayed in the viewer (single item mode).
Public Property imageBackgroundColor Images background color.
Public Property imageBorderColor Images border color.
Public Property imageBorderThickness Images border thickness.
Public Property imageBounds Physical position and size of the image in the viewer (single item mode).
Public Property imageDropShadow The Image's drop shadow properties.
Public Property imageHorizontalAlignment Specifies how to align the images inside their items horizontally.
Public Property imageProcessingLibrariesPath Path to the image processing library script files.
Public Property imageRegionRenderMode Indicates how image regions are rendered.
Public Property imageResolution Resolution in dots/inch (or DPI) of the image (single item mode).
Public Property imageScale Optional scale value to use when rendering the images (single item mode).
Public Property imagesDiv Internally used for loading SVG documents with embedded images.
Public Property imageSize Size of the image in the viewer (single item mode).
Public Property imageTransform Current transformation matrix used for displaying the image (single item mode).
Public Property imageUrl URL to the image to display in the viewer (single item mode).
Public Property imageVerticalAlignment Specifies how to align the images inside their items vertically.
Public Property interactiveModes The list of interactive modes in this ImageViewer.
Public Property interactiveService The InteractiveService for this viewer control.
Public Property interpolationMode Interpolation mode used by this ImageViewer.
Public Property interpolationRunMode Interpolation run mode used by this ImageViewer.
Public Property invert Indicates whether to invert the item images.
Public Property isRenderRedirected Gets a value that indicate whether the current rendering operation is targeting an external device rather the control itself.
Public Property isSyncSource Indicates that this image viewer can act as a sync source.
Public Property isSyncTarget Indicates that this image viewer can act as a sync target.
Public Property isTransitionsEnabled Detect if the image viewer is in a state where CSS transition detection is enabled.
Public Property itemBackgroundColor Default items background color.
Public Property itemBorderColor Default items border color.
Public Property itemBorderThickness Items border thickness.
Public Property itemHorizontalAlignment Specifies how to align the items inside the view horizontally.
Public Property itemMargin Margins to use between the view and the items.
Public Property itemPadding Padding to use between the items border and the content.
Public Property items The collection of items in this ImageViewer.
Public Property itemSize Default item size.
Public Property itemSizeMode Indicates how the images are displayed inside their items.
Public Property itemSpacing Spacing to use between neighboring items.
Public Property itemTextColor Default items text color.
Public Property itemTextFont Items text font.
Public Property itemTextTrimming Items text trimming options.
Public Property itemTextWrap Indicates whether the items text should automatically wrap to the next line if needed.
Public Property itemVerticalAlignment Specifies how to align the items inside the view vertically.
Public Property loadImageUrlMode Specifies how an image should be loaded when this item is provided a URL (single item mode).
Public Property mainDiv Main HTML Div Element.
Public Property maximumScaleFactor Maximum scale factor allowed.
Public Property maximumScrollSize Current maximum scroll size allowed.
Public Property minimumScaleFactor Minimum scale factor allowed.
Public Property name User-defined name associated with the ImageViewer instance.
Public Property ownerDraw Indicates whether the control automatically renders the view and items.
Public Property passthroughDiv An HTML Div Element used for assistance with pointer events capture.
Public Property RenderInsideClippingRect Indicates whether to render only the items inside the clipping rectangle, or the entire viewer area.
Public Property resizeElementForView Indicates whether to resize the item element instead of scaling it for the view.
Public Property resizeOnTransform Indicates whether the viewer should change the size of the scrolling area when an item is transformed.
Public Property restrictScroll Indicates whether scrolling or panning the view outside the maximum range is allowed.
Public Property reverse Reverse the view horizontally.
Public Property reverseImageElement Reverse the image horizontally without the border.
Public Property rotateAngle Value of the rotation angle to use when displaying the view.
Public Property scaleFactor Value of the scale factor for the view display.
Public Property screenDpi Current screen resolution in dots per inch (or DPI).
Public Property scrollMode Determines how the control handles scrollbars when the current transformation results in the view area being larger than the control.
Public Property scrollOffset Scroll offset value.
Public Property selectedItemBackgroundColor Selected items background color.
Public Property selectedItemBorderColor Selected items border color.
Public Property selectedItemTextColor Selected items text color.
Public Property sizeMode Gets a value that determines how the control displays the view and adjusts the display automatically.
Public Property syncId Gets the sync ID of this image viewer.
Public Property tag Object that contains data about the control.
Public Property textHorizontalAlignment Specifies how to align the text inside their items horizontally.
Public Property textVerticalAlignment Specifies how to align the text inside their items vertically.
Public Property updateShadowOnRotation Deprecated. Indicates whether to update the CSS values for the box-shadow property of each item border element.
Public Property useDpi Indicates whether the control must account for the physical resolution of the images when calculating the display properties.
Public Property useElements Checks if the viewer is using the Elements Mode.
Public Property viewBorderColor View border color.
Public Property viewBorderThickness View border thickness.
Public Property viewBounds Current view bounds.
Public Property viewDiv Holds the item elements and shows the viewer's view margin, view padding, view border, and view box shadow.
Public Property viewDivHolder Parent of the image viewer ImageViewer.ViewDiv.
Public Property viewDropShadow View drop shadow properties.
Public Property viewHorizontalAlignment Specifies how to align the view inside the control horizontally.
Public Property viewLayout The view layout used by this ImageViewer.
Public Property viewMargin Margins to use between the control boundary and the view.
Public Property viewPadding Padding to use between the view border and the items.
Public Property viewSize Current view size in pixels.
Public Property viewTransform Current transformation matrix of the view.
Public Property viewVerticalAlignment Specifies how to align the view inside the control vertically.
Public Property workingInteractiveMode The ImageViewerInteractiveMode that is currently processing the input events (working).
Public Property xScaleFactor Value of the horizontal scale factor for the view display.
Public Property yScaleFactor Value of the vertical scale factor for the view display.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event static  | Shared in VB activeItemChanged Occurs when the value of ActiveItem changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB autoItemElementsAdded Occurs after an item HTML elements are re-added to the DOM.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB autoItemElementsRemoved Occurs before an item HTML elements are re-deleted from the DOM.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB elementsUpdated Occurs anytime the viewer changes any DOM or CSS property on an element that is part of view or any item.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB eraseBackground Occurs when the control's background needs to be erased.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB foreCanvasSizeChanged Occurs when the size of the foreground canvas changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB imageLoading Occurs just before an image starts loading as the result of a URL update.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB interpolation Occurs when the interpolator state changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB itemChanged Occurs when any of the items inside this ImageViewer changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB itemDragDrop Occurs when data is being dragged or dropped from/to this ImageViewer.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB itemError Occurs when an error happens when the viewer tries to update the item image data.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB postRender Occurs after the view is rendered.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB postRenderItem Occurs after an item is rendered.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB preRender Occurs before the view is rendered.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB preRenderItem Occurs before an item is rendered.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB propertyChanged Occurs when a property value in this ImageViewer changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB redirectRender Occurs when the viewer content has changed and any external controls performing live capture need to be updated.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB render Render the view.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderBackground Renders view or item background.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderBorder Renders view or item border.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderError Occurs when an error happens during rendering.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderImage Renders the item image.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderItem Occurs when an item is rendered.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderItemFloater Renders the item floater.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderItemFloaterRegion Renders the item floater region.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderItemRegion Renders the item region.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderShadow Renders view or item or drop shadow.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB renderText Renders the item text.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB scrollOffsetChanged Occurs when the value of ScrollOffset changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB selectedItemsChanged Occurs when any of the items inside this viewer selection state changes.
Public Event static  | Shared in VB transformChanged Occurs when the transformation matrix of the view or any of the items change.

See Also

ImageViewer Class

Leadtools.Controls Namespace

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