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useDpi Property


Indicates whether the control must account for the physical resolution of the images when calculating the display properties.

Object.defineProperty(ImageViewer.prototype, 'useDpi', 
	get: function(), 
	set: function(value) 
useDpi: boolean; 

Property Value

true to account for the physical resolution of the images when calculating the display properties; otherwise, false. The default value is false.


Changing the value of this property will fire the PropertyChanged and TransformChanged events.

The physical resolution of an image is measured in dots per inch (DPI). The values are stored in the ImageViewerItem.Resolution property (or ImageResolution when the control is used as a single image viewer). The screen resolution is also required and is stored in the ScreenDpi property. These are the values used in the calculations when the value of UseDpi is set to true.

For example, a typical US Letter document image is 8.5 by 11 inches, which at the typical print resolution of 300 by 300 dpi is equivalent to 2550 by 3300 pixels. Most document viewer applications will try to display this image at its original size (i.e., the image will take 8.5 inches of screen horizontal space and 11 inches of screen vertical space).

If you do not use the UseDpi property for this control, you are required to do the calculations yourself, as follows:

viewer.UseDpi = false; 
var scaleFactor = screenResolution / imageResolution; 
viewer.Zoom(ControlSizeMode.None, scaleFactor, viewer.DefaultZoomOrigin); 

In the case of the image above, this will be 96 (typical screen resolution) divided by 300. Or, you can set the UseDpi value to true and the control will use the above formula internally, keeping the scale factor set to 1 as follows:

viewer.UseDpi = true; 
viewer.Zoom(ControlSizeMode.None, 1.0, viewer.DefaultZoomOrigin); 

This code will produce the same results as the first code snippet.

In platforms where the screen resolution can be obtained programmatically (such as Windows.Forms), the value of ScreenDpi is set automatically by the image viewer upon creation.

In platforms where the screen resolution cannot be obtained programmatically (such as JavaScript), the value of ScreenDpi is set to the default value of 96.

When adding a new item to the viewer, the value of ImageViewerItem.Resolution will be checked. If the value is empty (or 0,0), then the viewer will try to obtain this value from the image data in platforms where this information can be obtained programmatically (such as Windows.Forms).

In platforms where the resolution cannot be obtained automatically (such as JavaScript), then it is the user's responsibility to set the value. For example, the LEADTOOLS HTML5 Viewer Demo uses the LEADTOOLS REST services to obtain this value and set it for the item.

In either case, the user can then manually modify this value as desired.

For more information, refer to Image Viewer Items.


Run the demo and click the Example button, the UseDpi value will be flipped and the image size and real image size values are shown.

Copied to clipboard
import { ImageViewer_Example } from "../ImageViewer"; 
export class ImageViewer_UseDpiExample { 
   private viewerExample; 
   constructor() { 
      this.viewerExample = new ImageViewer_Example(; 
   private run = (viewer: lt.Controls.ImageViewer) => { 
      viewer.useDpi = !viewer.useDpi; 
      alert("viewer.UseDpi: " + viewer.useDpi); 
Copied to clipboard
export class ImageViewer_Example { 
   // LEADTOOLS ImageViewer to be used with this example 
   protected imageViewer: lt.Controls.ImageViewer = null; 
   // Generic state value used by the examples 
   public timesClicked: number = 0; 
   constructor(callback?: (viewer: lt.Controls.ImageViewer) => void) { 
      // Set the LEADTOOLS license. Replace this with your actual license file 
      lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null); 
      // Create an image viewer inside the imageViewerDiv element 
      const imageViewerDiv = document.getElementById("imageViewerDiv"); 
      const createOptions: lt.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions = new lt.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions(imageViewerDiv); 
      this.imageViewer = new lt.Controls.ImageViewer(createOptions); 
      this.imageViewer.viewVerticalAlignment =; 
      this.imageViewer.viewHorizontalAlignment =; 
      this.imageViewer.autoCreateCanvas = true; 
      // Add Pan/Zoom interactive mode 
      // Click and drag to pan, CTRL-Click and drag to zoom in and out 
      this.imageViewer.interactiveModes.add(new lt.Controls.ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode()); 
      // Load an image 
      this.imageViewer.imageUrl = ""; 
      this.imageViewer.zoom(, .9, this.imageViewer.defaultZoomOrigin); 
      const exampleButton = document.getElementById("exampleButton"); 
      exampleButton.addEventListener("click", () => { 
         // Run the example 
         if (callback) 
Copied to clipboard
import { ImageViewer_Example } from "../ImageViewer"; 
export class ImageViewer_UseDpiExample { 
   constructor() { 
      this.viewerExample = new ImageViewer_Example(; 
   run = (viewer) => { 
      viewer.useDpi = !viewer.useDpi; 
      alert("viewer.UseDpi: " + viewer.useDpi); 
Copied to clipboard
export class ImageViewer_Example { 
   // LEADTOOLS ImageViewer to be used with this example 
   imageViewer = null; 
   // Generic state value used by the examples 
   timesClicked = 0; 
   constructor(callback) { 
      // Set the LEADTOOLS license. Replace this with your actual license file 
      lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null); 
      // Create an image viewer inside the imageViewerDiv element 
      const imageViewerDiv = document.getElementById("imageViewerDiv"); 
      const createOptions = new lt.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions(imageViewerDiv); 
      this.imageViewer = new lt.Controls.ImageViewer(createOptions); 
      this.imageViewer.viewVerticalAlignment =; 
      this.imageViewer.viewHorizontalAlignment =; 
      this.imageViewer.autoCreateCanvas = true; 
      // Add Pan/Zoom interactive mode 
      // Click and drag to pan, CTRL-Click and drag to zoom in and out 
      this.imageViewer.interactiveModes.add(new lt.Controls.ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode()); 
      // Load an image 
      this.imageViewer.imageUrl = ""; 
      this.imageViewer.zoom(, .9, this.imageViewer.defaultZoomOrigin); 
      const exampleButton = document.getElementById("exampleButton"); 
      exampleButton.addEventListener("click", () => { 
         // Run the example 
         if (callback) 
Copied to clipboard
<!doctype html> 
<html lang="en"> 
<title>Controls Example | UseDpi</title> 
   <script src="" 
      integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Controls.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Designers.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering.Javascript.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Main.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Document.js"></script> 
   <script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Document.Viewer.js"></script> 
      body { 
         font-family: 'Segoe UI', sans-serif; 
      #imageViewerDiv { 
         border: 1px solid #888; 
         width: 500px; 
         height: 500px; 
         background-color: #eee; 
   <!-- All demo files are bundled and appended to the window --> 
   <script src="../../bundle.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
   <p>Press and drag on the image to pan.</p> 
   <p>Hold down the control key and press and drag on the image or pinch with two fingers to zoom in and out.</p> 
      <button type="button" id="exampleButton">Run Example</button> 
   <div id="imageViewerDiv"></div> 
   <div id="output"></div> 
   window.onload = () => { 
      const example = new window.examples.ImageViewer.UseDpi(); 

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Leadtools.Controls Assembly
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